Ying Xu
Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong 266003, China; Tel: 86-532-8203-1851; Email: xuy@ouc.edu.cn
Education and Training
2005Ph.D.Department of Food Science, ZhejiangUniversity, P.R.China
2001M.E.Departmentof Food Science, Jilin Agricultural University, P.R.China.
1995B.E. Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jilin Teacher’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, P.R.China.
2005—nowDepartment of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China
1995—2005Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jilin Teacher’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, P.R.China.
Research Abstract (please describe in details)
Control of heavy metals and other harmful substance by microbiological method: Fermentation food: focus on fish sauce.
Marine Microbiology: Screening microbe strains from seawater, creature living in seawater, and sea products for some special usage or function.
Teaching Activity
Fermentation Food
Experiment of Biotechnology
Selected Publications (only for corresponding author):
1.Chunsheng Li, Ying Xu, Wei Jiang, Xiaoyan Dong, Dongfeng Wang, Bingjie Liu. Effect of NaCl on the heavy metal tolerance and bioaccumulation of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143:46-52.
2.Wei Jiang, Ying Xu, Chunsheng Li, Xin Lv, Dongfeng Wang. Effect of inorganic salts on the growth and Cd2+ bioaccumulation of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii cultured under Cd2+ stress[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2013(128):831-834.
3.Chunsheng Li, Wei Jiang, Xiaoyan Dong, Ning Ma, Dongfeng Wang, Xianghong Meng, Ying Xu. Bioaccumulation of cadmium by growing Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioresource Technology,(accepted)
4.Jiang Wei, Xu Ying, Li Chunsheng, et al. Biogenic amines in commercially produced Yulu, a Chinese fermented fish sauce. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B: Surveillance. 2013, 1-5 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19393210.2013.831488; DOI:10.1080/19393210.2013. 831488.
5.Jiang, W., Xu, Y., Li, C., Lv, X. and Wang, D. (2012), Biosorption of cadmium(II) from aqueous solution by chitosan encapsulated Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. Environment Progress of Sustainable Energy. doi: 10.1002/ep.11728.
6.Zhou Wen, Wang dongfeng, Zhang li, Xu Ying.The study of chitosan in removing toxic heavy metal ions in the mainstream smoke of cigarette. Journal of Ocean university of China. , 2013 12 (3): 509-514 ( SCI)
7.Peng Liang, Dongfeng Wang, Xingyu Wang, Li Zhang,Ying Xu.. Biosorption of Citric acid-cadmium complex by imprinted chitosan polymer. Desalination and Water Treatment. 51 (2013) 3754–3761 (SCI)