Zunying Liu
Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong 266003, China; Tel: 86-532-8203-2400; Email:liuzunying@ouc.edu.cn
Education and Training
2008-2009Visiting Scholar, Department of Food Science, Oregon State University, Oregon, ?xml:namespace>U.S.A.
2000-2003Ph.D. Department of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
1993-2000B.S. and M.S.Department of Food Science, Henna Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, China.
2006—nowDepartment of Food Science and Engineering, OceanUniversity of China
Research Abstract
Seafood Storage and Handling
Value-added technology of Marine materials and byproducts
Mineral ion nutrition
Teaching Activity
Principles and Technology of Food Preservation
Advances in Food Technology and Engineering
Introduction to Ocean Science and Engineering
1.Da Chen, Zun ying Liu, Wenqian Huang, Yuanhui Zhao, Shiyuan Dong, Mingyong Zeng. Purification and characterisation of a zinc-binding peptide from oyster protein hydrolysate. Journal of Functional Foods, 2013, 5:689-697.
2.Haohao Wu, Zunying Liu, Shiyuan Dong, Yuanhui Zhao, Hai Huang, and Mingyong Zeng. Formation of Ferric oxyhydroxide nanoparticles mediated by peptides in the anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) muscle protein hydrolysate. J Agric Food Chem. 2013,61(1):219-224.
3.Haohao Wu, Zunying Liu, Yuanhui Zhao, Mingyong Zeng. Enzymatic preparation and characterization of iron-chelating peptides from anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) muscle protein. Food Research International, 2012, 48: 435-441.
4.Zunying Liu, Xiaojun Ge, Yuan Lu, Shiyuan Dong, Yuanhui Zhao, Mingyong Zeng. Effects of chitosan molecular weight and degree of deacetylation on the properties of gelatine-based films. Food Hydrocolloids, 2012, 26: 311-317(SCI
5.Zunying LIU, Yi-cheng SU, Mingyong ZENG. Amino Acid Composition and Functional Properties of Giant Red Sea Cucumber(Parastichopus californicus)collagen hydrolysates. Journal of OceanUniversity of China, 2011,10(1):80-84.
6.Zunying Liu, Yuan Lu, Xiaojun Ge, Mingyong Zeng. Effects of transglutaminase on rheological and film forming properties of fish gelatin. Advanced Materials Reaearch, 2011, 236-238: 2877-2870.
7.Zunying LIU, Da Chen, Yi-cheng SU, Mingyong ZENG. Optimization of Hydrolysis Conditions for the Production of the Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides from Sea Cucumber Collagen Hydrolysates. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 2011, 20(2), 222-232.
8.Zunying LIU, Oliveira, A.C.M., Yi-cheng, Su. Purification and Characterization of Pepsin-solubilized Collagen from Skin and Co,nnective Tissue of Giant Red Sea Cucumber (Parastichopus californicus). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(2),1270-1274.
9.Zunying Liu, Shiyuan Dong, Jie Xu, Mingyong Zeng, Hongxia Song. Production of cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptide by digestion of oyster(Crassostrea gigas)with alcalase and bromelin. Food Control, 2008,19:231-235 (SCI)
10.Zunying Liu, Mingyong Zeng, Shiyuan Dong, Jie Xu, Hongxia Song.Effects of antifungal peptides from oyster enzymatic hydrolysates for control of grey mold(Botrytis cinerea) on harvested strawberries. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2007,46(1): 95-98. (SCI)