Qing-Juan Tang

Professor, College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong 266003, China. Tel: 86-532-82032597; Email: tangqingjuan@ouc.edu.cn
Education and Training
2011-2012 Research Scholar, Harvard Digestive Diseases Center, GI Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
2004-2007 MD, PhD Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Ocean University of China.
2001-2004 Master’s degree Pathophysiology, Medical College, Qingdao University.
1989-1994 Bachelor’s degree Clinical Medicine, Ji-Ning Medical College.
2007-now Department of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China.
1994-2001 Instructor, Ji-Ning Medical College.
Research Activity
1.Investigate the molecular mechanisms underlining aquatic product bioactive substances promoting the intestinal mucosal immunity.
2. Study nutritional effects of bioactive carbohydrate components on gut microbial flora through a combination of experimental and computational methods using genome-scale metabolic models.
3. Establish molecular biological method to identify the sea cucumber species in products and also detect Norovirus in oysters more rapidly.
Teaching Activity
Genetic Engineering
Food Biotechnology
Selected Publications:
1.Shangyun Lu,Tao Zuo, Na Zhang, Hongjie Shis, Fang Liu, Juan Wu, Yuming Wang, Changhu Xue, Qing-Juan Tang*. High throughput sequencing analysis reveals amelioration of intestinal dysbiosis by squid ink polysaccharide. Journal of Functional Foods, 2016, 20: 506–515.
2.Tao Zuo, Na Zhang, Qi Zhang, Hongjie Shi, Shangyun Lu, Changhu Xue, Qing-Juan Tang*. Transportation of squid ink polysaccharide SIP through intestinal epithelial cells and its utilization in the gastrointestinal tract. Journal of Functional Foods, 2016, 22: 408-416
3.Tao Zuo, Xinjia He, Lu Cao, Changhu Xue, Qingjuan Tang*. The dietary polysaccharide from Ommastrephes bartrami prevents chemotherapeutic mucositis by promoting the gene expression of antimicrobial peptides in Paneth cells. Journal of Functional Foods. 2015 (12) 530–539.
4.Tao Zuo, Xianqi Feng, Na Zhang, Changhu Xue, Qingjuan Tang*. Establishment of a functional secretory IgA transcytosis model system in vitro for functional food screening. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015 Jul;99(13):5535-5545.
5.Zuo Tao, Cao Lu, Xue Changhu, Tang Qingjuan*. Dietary squid ink polysaccharide induces goblet cells to protect small intestine from chemotherapy induced injury. Food &Function. 2015 Mar;6(3):981-986.
6.Tao Zuo, Xuemin Li, Yaoguang Chang, Gaofei Duan, Long Yu, Rong Zheng, Changhu Xue, Qingjuan Tang*. Dietary fucoidan of Acaudina molpadioides and its enzymatically degraded fragments could prevent intestinal mucositis induced by chemotherapy in mice. Food &Function. 2015 Feb 11;6(2):415-422.
7.Tao Zuo, Lu Cao, Xuemin Li, Qi Zhang, Changhu Xue, and Qingjuan Tang*.The squid ink polysaccharides protect tight junctions and adherens junctions from chemotherapeutic injury in the small intestinal epithelium of mice. Nutrition and Cancer-an International Journal, 2015, 67(2):364-371.
8.Wu J, Hou W, Cao B, Zuo T, Xue C, Leung AW, Xu C, Tang QJ*. Virucidal Efficacy of Treatment with Photodynamically Activated Curcumin on Murine Norovirus Bio-accumulated in Oysters.Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy. 2015 Sep;12(3):385-392.
9.Tao Zuo, Lu Cao, Xianghong Sun, Xuemin Li, Juan Wu, Shangyun Lu, Changhu Xue,, Qingjuan Tang*. Dietary squid ink polysaccharide could enhance SIgA secretion in chemotherapeutic mice. Food & Function. 2014 Nov 19;5(12):3189-3196.
10.Qingjuan Tang#, Tao Zuo#, Shangyun Lu, Juan Wu, Jianghua Wang, Rong Zheng, Shiguo Chen, Changhu Xue*. Dietary squid ink polysaccharide ameliorated the intestinal microflora dysfunction in mice undergoing chemotherapy. Food &Function. 2014 Oct 24;5(10):2529-2535.
11.Tao Zuo, Zhaojie Li, Yingchun Lv, Gaofei Duan, Chunxia Wang, Qingjuan Tang*, Changhu Xue. Rapid identification of sea cucumber species with multiplex-PCR. Food Control.2012,26(1) :58-62.
12.Ai J# Tang Q#, Wu Y#, Xu Y#, Feng T, Zhou R, Chen Y, Gao X, Zhu Q, Yue X, Pan Q, Xu S, Li J, Huang M, Daugherty-Holtrop J, He Y, Xu HE, Fan J, Ding J, Geng M. The role of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor in inflammation-induced tumor metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma. JNCI-JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE. 2011 Nov 16;103(22):1696-1712.
13.Dan Li, Ambroos Stals, Qing-Juan Tang, Mieke Uyttendaele. Detection of Noroviruses in Shellfish and Semiprocessed Fishery Products from a Belgian Seafood Company. Journal of food protection. 2014 Aug;77(8):1342-7.
14.Weflen AW, Baier N, Tang QJ, Van den Hof M, Blumberg RS, Lencer WI, Massol RH. Multivalent immune complexes divert FcRn to lysosomes by exclusion from recycling sorting tubules. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2013,24(15):2398-2405
15.Shiguo Chen, Changhu Xue, Li ang Yin, Qingjuan Tang, Guangli Yu, Wengang Chai. Comparison of structures and anticoagulant activities of fucosylated chondroitin sulfates from different sea cucumbers. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011; 83 (2011): 688-696.