1. Professor, Food Allergy, College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, (2017.01- Present)
2. Associate professor, Food Allergy, College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, (2011.01-2016.12)
3. Visiting Scholar, Allergenicity evaluation, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, (2009.4-2009.10)
4. Teaching Assistant, College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China , Ocean University of China (2006.07–2010.12).
2003.09-2006.06 Ph.D. College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China. Study on the immunoreactivity of shrimp allergen.
2000.09-2003.06 M. Sc in Food science and technology, Department of food and grain science, Zhengzhou Grain College. Using chitosan and other active compounds as additives for Huanghe carp preservation.
1996.09-2000.06 B. Sc. in Food science and technology, Department of food science and technology, Zhengzhou Grain College. Completed course requirements for an Undergraduate Degree.
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China:Study on the interaction between fish albumin sensitization and coupled cell system, (Project No. 31871719), 2019.1-2022.12, PI
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Effect of enzymatic-catalyzed glycosylation on the allergenicity and conformational structure of tropomyosin (Project No. 31571941), 2016.1-2019.12, PI
3. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Effect of lipid peroxide-mediated carbonylation on the allergenicity and conformational structure of tropomyosin (Project No. 31371730), 2014.1-2017.12, PI
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Study on epitopes and critical amino acid residues of allergen in crustacean seafood (Project No. 30800859), 2009.1-2011.12, PI
5. Award Fund for young and middle-aged scientists of Shandong Province: Inhibitory effect of polyphenols from brown algae on food allergy and its molecular mechanism, 2012.7-2014.7, PI
6. Open fund of National Key Laboratory of Guangming dairy: Effect of enzymatic glycosylation on the allergenicity of β-actoglobulin, 2015.1-2016.12, PI
7. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Changes of purine in aquatic products during storage and its effect on the formation of uric acid, 2013.1-2016.12, CO-PI
8. National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China: Research, development and industrialization demonstration of marine aquatic food processing technology, 2013.1-2015.12, CO-PI
9. National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China: Heavy metal residue and allergen removal technology in marine food, 2008.1-2010.12, CO-PI
Research Interests
My group research is aquatic products processing and quality control. During the past 20 years, he focused on the research field of food allergens, mainly engaged in the identification, detection, control, and evaluation of food allergens. He has constructed an in vitro and in vivo allergenicity evaluation system for animal models and cell models, and formed corresponding national / industrial standards.
BIBLIOGRAPHY - Refereed Journals
1. Kexin Wang, Pramod Narayana Siddanakoppalu, Ishfaq Ahmeda,Tushar Ramesh Pavase, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*, Purification and identification of anti-allergic peptide from Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) byproduct enzymatic hydrolysates, Journal of Functional Foods, 2020.9, 72, 104084
2. Ishfaq Ahmed, Hong Lin, Lili Xu, Shuang Li, Joana Costa, Isabel Mafra, Guanzhi Chen, Xiang Gao, Zhenxing Li*, Immunomodulatory Effect of Laccase/Caffeic Acid and Transglutaminase in Alleviating Shrimp Tropomyosin (Met e 1) Allergenicity,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,(accepted)10.1021/acs.jafc.0c02366
3. LiLi Xu, Jin Chen, LiRui Sun, Xiang Gao, Hong Lin, Ishfaq Ahmed, S. N. Pramod, Zhen Xing Li*, Analysis of the allergenicity and B cell epitopes in tropomyosin of shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) and correlation to cross-reactivity based on epitopes with fish ( Larimichthys crocea ) and clam ( Ruditapes philippinarum )[J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 323, 126763
4. Chen Luo, Yuman Guo, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Lipid emulsion enhances fish allergen parvalbumin’s resistance to in vitro digestion and IgG/IgE binding capacity[J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 302: 125333.
5. Kexin Wang, Siddanakoppalu Narayana Pramod, Tushar Ramesh Pavase, Ishfaq Ahmed, Hang Lin, Liangyu Liu, Shenglan Tian, Hong Lin & Zhenxing Li*. An overview on marine anti-allergic active substances for alleviating food-induced allergy[J]. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2019: online. Doi: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1650716
6. Lili Xu, Hong Lin, ZhenXing Li*, et al. Influence of nonthermal extraction technique and allergenicity characteristics of tropomyosin from fish (Larimichthys crocea) in comparison with shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and clam (Ruditapes philippinarum)[J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 309: 125575.
7. Yaqing Wang, Zhenxing Li*, Hong Lin, et al. Quantum-dot-based lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid detection of crustacean major allergen tropomyosin[J]. Food Control, 2019, 106: 106714
8. Zhiwen Yu, Yaqing Wang, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Development of ELISA method for detecting crustacean major allergen tropomyosin in processed food samples[J]. Food Analytical Methods, 2019, 12: 2719-27291.
9. Ishfaq Ahmed, Jiaju Ma, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Effect of tyrosinase and caffeic acid crosslinking of turbot parvalbumin on the digestibility, and release of mediators and cytokines from activated RBL-2H3 cells[J]. Food Chemistry, 2019, 300: 125209.
10. Lirui Sun, Lili Xu, Yuhao Huang, Hong Lin, Ishfaq Ahmed and Zhenxing Li*. Identification and comparison of allergenicity of native and recombinant fish major allergen parvalbumins from Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)[J]. Food & Function, 2019, 10: 6615-6623.
11. Liangtao Lv, Shenlan Tian, Tushar Ramesh Pavase, Hong Lin, Lili Xu, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Effect of laccase-catalyzed cross-linking on the structure and allergenicity of Paralichthys olivaceus parvalbumin mediated by propyl gallate[J]. Food Chemistry, 2019: 124972.
12. Shenlan Tian, Jiaju Ma, Ishfaq Ahmed, Liangtao Lv, Zhenxing Li* and Hong Lin. Effect of tyrosinase-catalyzed crosslinking on the structure and allergenicity of turbot parvalbumin mediated by caffeic acid[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99: 3501-3508.
13. Lirui Sun, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Development of a method for the quantification of fish major allergen parvalbumin in food matrix via liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with multiple reaction monitoring[J]. Food Chemistry, 2019, 276: 358-365.
14. Liangtao Lv, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Structural changes of 2, 2′-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) treated shrimp tropomyosin decrease allergenicity[J]. Food Chemistry, 2019, 274: 547-557.
15. Khan Mati Ullah, Ahmed Ishfaq, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*,et al. Potential efficacy of processing technologies for mitigating crustacean allergenicity[J]. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2019, 59(17): 2807-2830.
16. Liangtao Lv, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Allergenicity of acrolein‐treated shrimp tropomyosin evaluated using RBL‐2H3 cell and mouse model[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 98(11): 4374-4378.
17. Ishfaq Ahmed, Hong Lin, Long Zou, Zhenxing Li*, et. al. An overview of smart packaging technologies for monitoring safety and quality of meat and meat products[J]. Packaging Technology and Science, 2018, 31(7): 449-471.
18. Zheng Dong, Fengjuan Xu, Ishfaq Ahmed, Zhenxing Li*, & Hong Lin. Characterization and preservation performance of active polyethylene films containing rosemary and cinnamon essential oils for Pacific white shrimp packaging[J]. Food control, 2018, 92: 37-46.
19. Ishfaq Ahmed, Liangtao Lv, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*,et al. Effect of tyrosinase-aided crosslinking on the IgE binding potential and conformational structure of shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) tropomyosin[J]. Food Chemistry, 2018, 248: 287-295.
20. Fangzhou Yuan, Ishfaq Ahmed, Liangtao Lv, Zhaojie Li, Zhenxing Li*,et al. Impacts of glycation and transglutaminase-catalyzed glycosylation with glucosamine on the conformational structure and allergenicity of bovine β-lactoglobulin[J]. Food & Function, 2018, 9(7): 3944-3955.
21. Jing Wang, Long Zou, Fangzhou Yuan, Liangtao Lv, Shenglan Tian, Zhenxing Li*,et al. Inhibition of advanced glycation endproducts during fish sausage preparation by transglutaminase and chitosan oligosaccharides induced enzymatic glycosylation[J]. Food & Function, 2018, 9(1): 253-262.
22. Pavase Tushar Ramesh, Lin Hong, Shaikh Quratulain, Sameer Hussain, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Recent advances of conjugated polymer (CP) nanocomposite-based chemical sensors and their applications in food spoilage detection: A comprehensive review[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 273: 1113-1138.
23. Ahmed Ishfaq, Hong Lin, Zou, Long, Aaron L.Brody, Zhenxing Li*, et al. A comprehensive review on the application of active packaging technologies to muscle foods[J]. Food Control, 2017, 82: 163-178.
24. Liangtao Lv, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Changes of structure and IgE binding capacity of shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) tropomyosin followed by acrolein treatment[J]. Food & Function, 2017, 8(3): 1028-1036.
25. Liangtao Lv, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Determining the effect of malondialdehyde on the IgE‐binding capacity of shrimp tropomyosin upon in vitro digestion[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2017, 97(13): 4588-4594.
26. Fengjuan Xu, Lei Ge, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Development and application of a tyrosinase-based time-temperature indicator (TTI) for determining the quality of turbot sashimi[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2017, 16(5): 847-854.
27. Fangzhou Yuan, Liangtao Lv, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Effect of transglutaminase-catalyzed glycosylation on the allergenicity and conformational structure of shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) tropomyosin[J]. Food Chemistry, 2017, 219: 215-222.
28. Tiantian Wang, Zhenxing Li*, Nasha Mi, et al. Effects of brown algal phlorotannins and ascorbic acid on the physiochemical properties of minced fish (Pagrosomus major) during freeze–thaw cycles[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2017, 52(3): 706-713.
29. Yixuan Liu, Zhaojie Li, Tushar Pavase, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Evaluation of electron beam irradiation to reduce the IgE binding capacity of frozen shrimp tropomyosin[J]. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2017, 28(2): 189-201.
30. Jiaju Ma, Tushar Ramesh Pavase, Zhengxign Li*, et al. Optimization of an extraction technique of fish allergens suitable for detection and diagnosis[J]. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2017, 35(1): 24-31.
31. Jing Wang, Zhenxing Li*,Tushar Ramesh Pavase, et al. Advanced glycation endproducts in 35 types of seafood products consumed in eastern China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2016, 15(4): 690-696.
32. Zhina Hao, Hao Dong, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Analysis of physicochemical properties during the processing of Yiluxian, a traditional chinese low‐salt fish product[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2016, 51(10): 2185-2192.
33. Liangtao Lv, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Effect of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal treatment on the IgE binding capacity and structure of shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) tropomyosin[J]. Food Chemistry, 2016, 212: 313-322.
34. Yongna. Song, Zhenxing Li*, Qing Gao, et al. Effect of malonaldehyde cross‐linking on the ability of shrimp tropomyosin to elicit the release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines from activated RBL‐2H3 cells[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2016, 96(12): 4263-4267.
35. Wang Jing, Shenlan Tian, WeiHong Sun, Hong Li and Zhenxing Li*. Determination of Nɛ-Carboxymethyl-lysine Content in Muscle Tissues of Turbot by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry[J]. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 43(8):1187-1192.
36. Yongna Song, Zhenxing Li*, Hong Lin, et al. Effect of malondialdehyde treatment on the IgE binding capacity and conformational structure of shrimp tropomyosin[J]. Food Chemistry, 2015, 175: 374-380.
37. Haixin Lin, Zhenxing Li*, Hong Lin, et al. Effect of pH shifts on IgE-binding capacity and conformational structure of tropomyosin from short-neck clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) [J]. Food Chemistry, 2015, 188: 248-255.
38. Lisha Wu, Zhenxing Li*, Zongchao Lu, et al. In vitro simulated gastric fluid digestion and immunogenicity of different crustacean protein extracts. international journal of food properties[J], 2015, 18(1): 43-53.
39. Tushar Ramesh Pavase, Hong Lin & Zhenxing Li* Rapid detection methodology for inorganic mercury (Hg2+) in seafood samples using conjugated polymer (1, 4-bis-(8-(4-phenylthiazole-2-thiol)-octyloxy)-benzene)(PPT) by colorimetric and fluorescence spectroscopy[J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 220: 406-413.
40. Chen, Y., Hong Lin,Quratulain Shaikh, Zhenxing Li*. The anti-allergic activity of polyphenol extracted from five marine algae. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(4), 681-684.
41. Lisha Wu, Haixin Lin, Guoying Wang, Zongchao Lu, Guanzhi Chen, Hong Lin and Zhenxing Li*. Comparative study on the allergenicity of different Litopenaeus vannamei extract solutions[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 13(1): 157-162.
42. Rongfang Huang, Zhenxing Li*, Hong Lin et al. Determination of microheterogeneous substitution in shrimp tropomyosin and its effect on IgE-binding capacity[J]. European Food Research and Technology, 2014, 239(6): 941-949.
43. Liangtao Lv, Haixin Lin, Zhenxing Li*, et al. (2014). Identification of oxidative modification of shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) tropomyosin induced by malonaldehyde[J]. European Food Research and Technology, 239(5): 847-855.
44. Zhenxing Li*, Zongchao Lu, Muhammad Naseem Khan, et al. Protein carbonylation during electron beam irradiation may be responsible for changes in IgE binding to turbot parvalbumin[J]. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2014, 69: 32-37.
45. Zhenxing Li, Yiqun Zhang, Ravindra Pawar, et al. Development of an optimized protein chip for the detection of fish parvalbumin allergen[J]. Current Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 7(4): 349-356.
46. BangPing Wang, Zhenxing Li*, Ravindra Pawar, et al. PCR-based detection of traces of potentially allergenic soybean (Glycine max) in Food Matrices[C]. Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications, 2012, 343: 618-624.
47. Lina Zheng, Hong Lin, Ravindra Pawar, Zhenxing Li*, et al. Mapping IgE binding epitopes of major shrimp (Penaeus monodon) allergen with immunoinformatics tools[J]. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2011, 49(11): 2954-2960.
48. Zhenxing Li, Yiqun Zhang, Hong Li, et al. Quantitative analysis of shrimp allergen in food matrices using a protein chip based on sandwich immunoassay[J]. European Food Research and Technology, 2010, 231(1): 47-54.
49. Chen Y., Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li*. Study on Effects of Phenolic Compounds on Immunoactivity of Shrimp Allergen Extracts[C], Proceedings of 2010 First International Conference on Cellular, Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (Volume 4). 2010.
50.Zhenxing Li, Hong Lin, Limin, C., & Jamil, K. Impact of irradiation and thermal processing on the immunoreactivity of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) proteins[J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2007, 87(6): 951-956.
51. Zhenxing Li, Hong Lin, Limin, C., & Jamil, K. The influence of gamma irradiation on the allergenicity of shrimp (Penaeus vannamei)[J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2007, 79(3): 945-949.
52. Zhenxing Li, Haixin Lin, Limin Cao & Jameel, K. Effect of high intensity ultrasound on the allergenicity of shrimp[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2007, 7(4): 251-256.
53. Zhenxing Li, Hong Lin, Limin Cao, et al. Reduction of allergenic properties of shrimp (Penaeus Vannamei) allergens by high intensity ultrasound[J]. European Food Research and Technology, 2006, 223(5): 639-644.
Book Chapters
1. Zhenxing Li, Hong Lin, Seafood allergens in China and Anti-allergenic Property of Seaweeds (chapter 6), in Multidisciplinary Approaches to Allergy, edited by Zhongshan Gao, Huahao Shen, Min Zheng, Lynn Frewer and Luud Gilissen, Zhejiang University Publishing and Springer, 2012, Hangzhou China. ISBN 978-7-308-09349-1; 91-112.