Hong Lin
Professor, Dean of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong 266003, ?xml:namespace>China; Tel: 86-532-8203-2203;
E-mail: linhong@ouc.edu.cn
Education and Training
1995.9~1998.7Ph. D., Aquatic products processing, Ocean University of Qingdao, P.R.China
1986.9~1990.7M. S., Aquatic products processing, Ocean University of Qingdao, P.R.China
1980.9~1984.7B. E.,Aquatic products processing,Ocean College of Shandong, P.R.China
1984-1994 Assistant Professor of fisheries college, Ocean University of Qingdao
1995-1998 associate Professor, Vice dean of fisheries college, Ocean University of Qingdao
1999-2010Professor, Dean of college of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China
2010-nowProfessor, College of Food Science and Engineering, OceanUniversity of China
Research interest:
1. Determination of hazards in seafood:fast detection of parasites in sea food; fast screening of quinolone residues in food; rapid detection of chloramphenicol residues in fishery products based on bioluminescent; rapid detection of heavy metal in fishery products based on bioluminescent; application of bacteriophage in food safety; evaluation on the activity of seafood allergens and allergenicity changes caused by food processing etc.
2. The establishment of seafood safety standards: state standardization on fishery safety including establishing detection standard, products standard and operation criterion etc.
3. Exploitation of new technology on seafood processing: processing of proteins and Chitosan extracted from shrimp etc.
Research programs in recent years:
1. Basic research of Food Safety Detection and Control, supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong, 2011-2013.
2. Bioluminescence rapid detection of marine bacteria using Technology basing on intracellular NADH levels and biological cracking, supported by Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Programin Higher Education, 2011-2013.
3. Processing Technology Development and Industrialization Demonstration of Marine Aquatic Food, supported by National Science and Technology Support, 2012-2015
4. China Agriculture Research System, supported by Department of Agriculture, 2011-2015
5. Variation of Purine level in aquatic products during storage and process, and the impact of Purine level on generating uric acid, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China,
Teaching Activity
Quality and safety of seafood
Safety and quality control of seafood
Food quality control and safety management
Conspectus of food science and engineering
Food Safety
Academic works:
"Seafood safety ", Beijing, China Light Industry Press (2010, in Chinese);
"A Pictorial Series of Seafood in International Trade ",ChinaOcean university Press (2008,in Chinese);
"Aquatic Nutrition and Safety", Beijing, Chemical Industry Press (2007, in Chinese);
"Effective use of aquatic resources", Beijing, China Chemical Industry Press (2007, in Chinese);
"Fish preservation technology", Beijing, China Light Industry Press (2000, in Chinese).
Honors received Honors: 1. Deputy Director for Aquatic Products Processing Technical Committee, the Branch of National Aquatic Standardization Technical Committee ; 2. Member of Food Science and Engineering in the Sixth Discipline Appraisal Group of Degrees Committee of the State Council; 3. Expert in National Risk Assessment Expert Committee of quality and safety of agricultural productsetc. Awards: 1. Higher Education Science and Technology Progress Award, second class, 2013; 2 Shandong province’s science and technology advancement award, third class, 2011; 3. National prize for science and technology awards, second class, 2010; 4 Qingdao science and technology award, first class, 2010, etc. |
1.Rong R., Lin H., Wang J X., Muhammad N. K.,Li M. Reductions ofVibrio parahaemolyticusin oysters after bacteriophage application during depuration. Aquaculture 418–419 (2014) 171–176.
2.Yang X L., Nian R., Lin H., Duan C., Sui J.X., Cao L.M. Detection of Anisakid Larvae in Cod Fillets by UV Fluorescent Imaging Based on Principal Component Analysis andGray Value Analysis. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 76, No. 7, 2013, Pages 1288–1292.
3.He S.,Mao X.Z., Liu P., Lin H, Du Z.Y., Lv N., Han J.C. &Qiu C F. Research into the functional components and antioxidantactivities of North China rice wine (Ji Mo Lao Jiu). Food Science & Nutrition2013; 1(4): 307–314
4.Chen L.,Chen R.,Yin H., Sui J.X. and Lin H. Cleaning in place with onsite-generated electrolysed oxidizing water for water-saving disinfection in breweries. J. Inst. Brew.2012; 118: 401–405 .
5.Wang X.D.,Lin H.,Sui J.X., Cao L.M. The effect of fish matrix on the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of antibiotics. J S ci Food Agric.2012.8.
6.Li M., Wang J.X., Lin H. The effect of Hg2+ on the bioluminescence of Photobacterium leiognathi. Luminescencethe joural of biological and Chemical Luminescence.2012,5.
7.Xu Y.F., Lin H, Sui J.X., Cao L.M.. Effects of specific egg yolk antibody (IgY)on the quality and shelf life of refrigerated Paralichthys olivaceus.J S ci Food Agric.2012,(92):1267.
8.Qi F. D., YanJ.Q.,Lin H,ChenX.G., LiuC.S, JiQ.X., LiJ.J. Design and evaluation of a highly porous thermosensitive hydrogel with low gelation temperature as a 3D culture system for Penaeus chinensislymphoid cells.Carbohydrate Polymers.2012,(88):361.
9.Cao L. M. , Sui J. X. , Kong D. X., Li Z. Y. , Lin H. Generic Immunoassay of Quinolones: Production and Characterization of Anti-pefloxacin Antibodies as Broad Selective Receptors. Food Analytical Methods. 2011,4(4), 517-524.
10.Sui J. X., Cao L. M. ,Lin H. Antibacterial activity of egg yolk antibody (IgY) againstListeriamonocytogenes and preliminary evaluation of its potential for food preservation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.2011;91: 1946–1950.
11.Zheng L. N., Lin H., Ravindra Pawar, Li Z. X.,Li M. H. . Mapping IgE binding epitopes of major shrimp (Penaeus monodon) allergen3 with immunoinformatics tools. Food andChemical Toxicology.2011,27:1-6.
12.Sui J. X., Lin H., Xu Y. F. , Cao L. M.. Enhancement of Dot-Immunogold Filtration Assay (DIGFA) by Activation of Nitrocellulose Membranes with Secondary Antibody. Food analytical methods.2011,4:245-250
13.Lin H., Zheng L. N., LI Z. X., and Samee H.. Identification of the Major Allergen in Greasy-Back Shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis) by MALDI-TOF-MS. Oceanic and CoastalSeaResearch.2010,9(2):1-7
14.Fu X. T., Lin H, S. M. Kim. Optimization of medium composition and culture conditions for agarase production by Agarivorans albus YKW-34. Process Biochemistry. 2009 44(10), 1158–1163.
15.Zeng S. K., Zhang C. H., Lin H., Yang P., Hong P. Z., Jiang Z. H.. Isolation and characterisation of acid-solubilised collagen from the skin of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Food Chemistry,2009,116(4),879–883.
16.Samee H., Li Z. X., Lin H.,K. Jamil, Wang B P. In vivo study of antiallergenicity of ethanol extracts from Sargassum tenerrimum, Sargassum cervicorne and Sargassum graminifolium turn. European Food Research and Technology,2009,229(3),435-441.
17.Zhang L., Zhang B., Lin H., Liu P. P., Yu L. N., Wang D. F.. Preparation of trypsin-immobilised chitosan beads and their application to the purification of soybean trypsin inhibitor.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2008,13(88),2332-2339.
18.Li D. K., Lin H.,S.M.Kim. Purification and Characterization of a Cysteine Protease Inhibitor from Chum Salmon( Oncorhynchus keta) Plasma. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2008, 56 (1), 106–111.
19.Fu X T, Lin H, S.M. Kim. Purification and characterization of a novel beta-agarase, AgaA34, from Agarivorans albus YKW-34. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol2008(78),265– 273.
20.Liu Z D, Li Z X, Lin H. A New Method for the Non-destructiveDetermination of Fish Freshness by Nuclear Imaging. OceanUniversity of China,2005,4(3):240-243.
21.Jiang J, Lin H, Fu X T. Preliminary Validation of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Detection of Methyltestosterone Residue in Carp Muscle. OceanUniversity of China,2005,4(3):248-251.
22.Liu C E, Lin H, Cao L M. Anti-enrofloxacin Antibody Production by Using Enrofloxacin-screened HSA as an Immunogen. OceanUniversity of China,2005,4(3):262-266.
23.Jiang Q Y, Ling P X, Lin H. Study on Absorption of Hyaluronic Acid after an Oral Administration in Rats. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal,2005,40(23):1811-1813.
24.Liu C E, Lin H, Cao L M. Studies on Synthesis and Characteristics of Complete Antigens of Enrofloxacin. Journal of Fisheries of China,2005,29(4):534-539.
25.Li Z X, Lin H, Cao L M. Influence of Ultrasonic Treatment on the Allergenic Properties of Shrimp (Penaeus Vannamei) Allergens. The 10th International Symposium on the Efficient Application and Preservation of Marine Biological Resources with a Special Session on the 2012 Yeosu World Exposition:2005,167-174.
26.Wang W F, Lin H, Xue C H, Jamil Khalid. Elimination of chloramphenicol, sulphamethoxazole and oxytetracycline in shrimp, Penaeus chinensis following medicated-feed treatment. Environment international, 2004, 30(3):367-373.
27.Lin H,Jiang J , Xue C H, Zhang B, Xu J C. Seasonal Changes in Phospholipids of Mussel (Mytilus edulis Linne) .J Sci Food Agric(Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture), ,2003 83:133-135.
28.Lin H, Wang H Y, Xue C H, Ye M. Preparation of chitosan oligomers by immobilized papain. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2002,31:588-592.
29.Lin H, Jiang J, Xu J C. Comparison of Phospholipids Composition among Mussel(Mytilus edulis L.), Soybean and Yolk. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica,2002,24(1):87-89.
30.Lin H, Wang W F, Geng M Y. The Status quo and Future of Utilization of Chinese Marine Fishery Resource. Inauguration Conference and first Academic Symposium CLARINET,2001 ,Paper and Proceeding,Kangnung National University,Korea
31.Lin H, Jiang J, Xue C H, Zhang B, Xu J C. Seasonal Changes in Phospholipids of Mussel (Mytilus edulis Linne). Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on the Efficient Application and Preservation of MarineBioligical Reaources,---Workshop on the Atual Situation and the Subjects of Marine Products in East Asia ,Sept .29-30,2001, ToKyo University of Fisheries Tokyo,Japan.
32.Lin H, Lv Q , Khalid Jamil. Comparison of Phospholipids in Six Shellfish. Jounal of Fisheries of China,2000,24(2):175-179.