Shiyuan Dong
Personal Information
Name:Shiyuan DONG
Title: Associate professor
Address: College of Food Science and Engineering,OceanUniversity of China, 5 Yushan Road, Qingdao City, 266003,ShandongProvince, P.R. China.
Tel.:86-532-8203240086-13869845385 (mobile)
2001-2012: Advisor of graduated students, College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao City, P.R. China
2012.12-present: Associate professor, College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, QingdaoCity, P.R. China
Jun, 2010- Jun, 2011: Visiting scholar, Deparment of Food Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst,USA
1. The preparation, purification, and assessment of bioactive peptide from aquatic products
My research focuses on functional changes of proteins, isolation and purification of antioxidant, antibacterial peptide. We have completed the research on production of fish, oyster, sea cucumber, and mytilus edulisprotein hydrolysates, and try to convert low value material to high value functional ingredient.
2.Chemical properties, some potential harmful substances and antioxidant activity of peptide-glucose Maillard reaction products
The antioxidant activities of some protein hydrolysates or oligopeptides prepared from protein hydrolyzed with enzymes are really low, which limits their application in functional food industry. Maillard reaction modifying oligopeptides could improve their antioxidant activity. We have investigated the Chemical properties and antioxidant activity of fish, casein and β-lactoglobulin hydrolysates Maillard reaction products. Maillard reaction was also a potential method to reduce the bitterness of protein hydrolysates.
Furthermore, we have found that the Maillard reaction products from silver carp peptide and glucose showed higher antioxidant activity determined by free radical scavenging activity and the inhibition effects of lipid oxidation, and the water-soluble fraction in Maillard reaction products with higher antioxidant activity was obtained, and its structure characterization about the specific site between sugar and silver carp peptide during Maillard reaction was identified.
However, Maillard reaction products possibly produced some potential harmful substances, such as HMF, AGEs and 1, 2-dicarbonyl compounds. Therefore, the relationship between the some potential harmful substances of Maillard reaction products and antioxidants effects in cell culture system will be investigated.
2004-2008 Ph.D College ofFood Science and Engeering, Ocean University of China, China, P.R. China
1998-2001 M. Sc. Department of Food Science,ShenyangAgricultural University, Shenyang, P.R. China
1994-1998 B.Sc. Department of Food Science and Engineering,Hebei Normal Unversity of Science and Technology, QinhuangdaoP.R. China
Food technology: Skilled in preparation and assay of oil-in-emulsion; Skilled in GC, HPLC theory and their application; Skilled in measurement of the lipid oxidation; skilled in preparation and chemical properties assay of protein or peptide Maillard reaction products; analysis for intermediate products of Maillard reaction et al.
1.Dong S. (Dong Shiyuan), Panya Atikorn,Zeng M.,Chen B., McClements D. J., Decker E. A. Characteristics and antioxidant activity of hydrolyzed β-lactoglobulin-glucose Maillard reaction products. Food research international, 2012, 46(2):55-61
2.Dong S., Wei B., Chen B., MCClements D. J., Decker E. A.. Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Casein Peptide and its Glucose Maillard Reaction Products in Fish Oil-in-Water Emulsions.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2011, 59 (24), 13311–13317
3.Dong S., Zhao Y., Xu D., Liu Z., Zeng M. Assessing the Antioxidant Activity of the Ultrafiltration Fractions from Silver Carp Protein Hydrolysate by Different Antioxidant Methods. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 2012, In press.
4.Dong S.,Meng Y.,Zhao Y.,Liu Z.,Zeng M. Effectts of Silver Carp Oligopeptide on Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidant ability of Hyperlipidemic Rats. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 2011, 33(2): 121-124
5.Dong S., Zeng M., Liu Z., Wang D., Zhao Y., Yang H.. Antioxidant and biochemical properties of protein hydrolysates prepared from Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Food Chemistry, 2008, 107:1485-1493
6.Dong S., Liu Z., Zhao Y., Jiang Z., Zeng M. Effects of Silver Carp antioxidant peptide on the lipid peroxidation of Sierra Fish (Scomberomorus niphonius) during refrigerated storage. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2009, 39(2): 233~237
7.Liu Z. , Ge X. , Lu Y. , Dong S. , Zhao Y. , Zeng M. . Effects of chitosan molecular weight and degree of deacetylation on the properties of gelatine-based films. Food Hydrocolloids, 2012, 26(1), 311-317
8.Zhao Y., Li B., Dong S., Liu Z., Zhao X., Wang J., Zeng Mingyong. A novel ACE inhibitory peptide isolated from Acaudina molpadioidea hydrolysate. Peptides, 2009,30: 1028–1033
9.Wang Z., Dong S., Liu Z., Zhang W., Niu B., Zeng M.. Effects of vacuum packaging on freshness of Large Yellow Croaker (Psedosciaena crocea) under ice-temperature condition. Fisheries Science (in Chinese), 2009, 28(8): 431-434
10.Wang l., Zeng M., Dong S., Liu Z., Yang H.. Study on the preparation of kelp polyphenols and the effect of kelp polyphenols on the fresh-keeping of peneaus vannmei. Science and Technology of Food Industry (in Chinese), 2009, 30(10): 187-193
11.Dong S., Zeng M., Wang D., Liu Z., Zhao Y., Han H. Effect of defatting on quality and antioxidant activities of the protein hydrolysate Silver Carp Meat. Food and Fermentation Industries (in Chinese), 2008, 34(7):20-23
12.Dong S., Liu Z., Zeng M., Zhao Y., Guo Y., Wang D. Functional characterization of protein hydrolysates from Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) meat by two kinds of proteases, Food Science (in Chinese), 2008,29(12): 94-98
13.Liu Z., Dong S., Xu J., Zeng M.. Production of cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptide by digestion of oyster(Crassostrea gigas)with alcalase and bromelin. Food Control, 2008, 19: 231-235.
14.Liu Z., Zeng M., Dong S., Xu J. Effects of antifungal peptides from oyster enzymatic hydrolysates for control of grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) on harvested strawberries. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2007, 46(1): 95-98.
15.Liu Z., Dong S., Zeng M., Song H.. Reviews on research progresses and prospects in biological control of antimicrobial peptides from Halobios. Journal of Food Science (In Chinese), 2007, 28(6): 367-371.
16.Liu Z., Dong S., Zeng M., Song H.. Studies on the enzymatic hydrolysates antimicrobial activity of Mytilus edulis and optimal parameters of hydrolysis. Food Science and Technology (In Chinese), 2007, 2: 145-146.
17.Dong S., Liu Z., Zeng M. Application of aquatic animal enzymes on aquatic product processing. Food and Fermentation Industries (in Chinese), 2005, 31(10), 111-114
18.Liu Z., Zeng M., Dong S. Studies on hot water and Vc treatment in control of browning of sweet cherry fruits. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2005, 21(7): 149-152.
19.Liu Z., Zeng M., Dong S., et al. Effects of 1-MCP on the Browning of Postharvest Sweet Cherries. Journal of Fruit Scienc. (In Chinese). 2005, 22(5): 488-491.
1.Role of protein in food industry: Chemical Properties of Casein peptide-glucose Maillard Reaction Products and their Effects on Lipid Oxidation in Menhaden Oil-in-Water Emulsions.Institute of Food Technologist Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Jan. 2011.
1.Dong S., Zeng M., Wang D., Liu Z., Zhao Y. A novel food antioxidant prepared from fish protein hydrolysates (200610139008.1), 2006
2.Liu Z., Zeng M., Dong S., Xu J.. A novel antifungal peptide from oyster enzymatic hydrolysates (200610136478.2), 2006.
3.Liu Z., Zeng M., Dong S.. A novel bactericide from Sargassum thunbeergii Kuntzeseaweeds ( 200710014521.2), 2007.
1. Structure and antioxidant activity of peptide and sugar Maillard reaction products, and controlling the Maillard reaction based on antioxidant activity and some potential harmful substances, National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants program (No.31270038), 2013-2016, $ 140, 000
2.Studies on antioxidant activity and structure characterization of fish oligopeptides modified by Maillard reaction,National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants program (No.30901121), 2010-2012, $ 28, 000
3. Characterization of biopolymer particles by caseinate–Sodium Alginate complexes and their stabilization effects in fish oil-in-emulsion (No. BS2012HZ018), Promotive Research Fund for Young and Middle-aged Scientisits of Shandong Province, 2012-2014, $ 13, 000
4. Studies on keeping fresh technology of food in refrigeratory, Qingdao Haier Co., Limited, 2004-2008, $ 41,000
1.National Key Technology R & D Program of China. 2006-2010, $80,000 Influence of modified atmosphere packaging on shelf life of sea fish and shrimp during controlled freezing-point storage
2.Extension and Application Program of GuangdongProvince. 2007-2009, $40,000, Studies and extension of new-style oyster food.