Jingxue Wang
Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong 266003, China; Tel: 86-532-8203-2389; Email: snow@ouc.edu.cn
Education and Training
2006Visiting Scholar Department of Food Science, Clemson University, ?xml:namespace>USA
2004PhDFood Science and Technology, Ocean University of China,P.R.China.
2001MSFood Science and Technology, Ocean University of China,P.R.China.
1998BS Food Science and Technology, Ocean University of Dalian, P.R.China.
2004Department of Food Science and Engineering, OceanUniversity of China
Research Abstract (please describe in details)
Foodsafety in microbiology
Applied microbiology, such as bacteriophage and bioluminescent bacteria
Teaching Activity
Food safety
Biology safety
1.Jingxue Wang, Xiaolu Jiang, HaijinMou, Huashi Guan. Anti-oxidation of agar oligosaccharides produced by agarase from a marine bacterium. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2004,16:333-340.
2.Jingxue Wang, HaijinMou, Xiaolu Jiang, Huashi Guan. Biological activities of a neutral water-soluble agar polysaccharide prepared by agarase degradation. High Technology Letters, 2005, 11(4):415-420.
3.Jingxue Wang,HaijinMou, Xiaolu Jiang. Characterization of a novel-agarase from marine Alteromonas sp. SY37–12 and its degrading mechanism. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2006,71:833-839
4.RongRong , Hong Lina, JingxueWanga,MuhammadNaseem Khan a,b, Meng Li,Reductions of Vibrio parahaemolyticusin oysters after bacteriophageapplication during depuration,Aquaculture,2013,418–419,171–176
5.Ming Li, Jingxue Wang* and Hong Lin,The effect of Hg2+ on the bioluminescence ofPhotobacterium leiognathi,Luminescence;2013,28:368–371
6.Brown, J.C., Wang, J., Kasman, L., Jiang, X. and Haley-Zitlin, V., Activities of muscadine grape skin and quercetin against Helicobacter pylori infection in mice. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2011,110:139–146.
7.Meng Li Hong Lin, Muhammad Naseem Khan, JingxueWang and Linghong Kong.Effects of bacteriophage on the qualityand shelf life of Paralichthysolivaceus duringchilled storage. (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI 10.1002/jsfa.6475