Research field description:
ØIsolation of polysaccharides from marine algae including alginate, agar, and carrageenan;
ØNutritional analysis of marine algae;
ØPurification and utilization of polysaccharides enzymes acting on marine algae;
ØDiscovery of active compounds of marine algae for utilization in food, pharmacy and cosmetics;
ØPhysical Properties of seafood;
ØTransportation and Storage fresh seafood.
Location and contact:
The laboratory is located in room 119 and 121 of the 62 Building. Contact us by phone at +086-532-82032182.
Faculties in this lab:
Faculty | Telephone | Research interest | E-mail |
Jiaochao Xu | 86-532-82031890 | Chemical utilization of algae | |
Xin Gao | 86-532-82031890 | Physical Properties of Aquatic product | |
Xiaoting Fu | 86-532-82032182 | Biological utilization of algae | |
Lab publications
1. Xin GAO, Tian YU, Zhao-hui Zhang,Jia-chao XU, Xiao-ting FU. Rheological and Sensory Properties of Four Kinds of Jams. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research.2011;2(10): 227-234.
2. Xin Gao*, Zhaohui Zhang. Rheological changes of sea cucumber Stichipus japonicus during different heated times. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture(2011) 2(14):258-262
3. Xin Gao*, Zhaohui Zhang, Wenjing Sheng, Yuri Tashiro AND Hiroo Ogawa. Determination of glycosaminoglycan in sea cucumber by high-performance liquid chromatography with post column derivatization.Mathematical and Physical Fisheries Science, 9:105-115(2012)
4. Xin Gao, Liangfeng Liu, Zhaohuizhang, Qian Liu. Rheological and Structural Properties of Sea Cucumber during Different Heating Temperature.International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture. 2012; 4(10): 209-216.
5.Xin Gao , Bofeng Yang , Zhixu Tang,XinLuo, Fengmei Wang, Hui Xu, and XueCai Determination of phthalates released from paper packing materials by SPE-HPLC. Journal of Chromatographic Science.2013;10:1-7.
6. Xue-yan FU, Chang-hu Xue, Ben-chun Miao, Xin Gao*. Characterization of proteases from the digestive tract of sea cucumber(Stichopus japonicus): high alkaline protease activity. Aquaculture 246(2005): 321-329.
7. Xueyan FU,Changhu XUE,Benchun MIAO,Zhaojie LI,Xin GAO*. Distribution and seasonal activity variation of the proteases in digestive tract of sea cucumber.Fisheries Sci. 2006; 72: 1130 -1132.
8. Fengxia Cui, Zhaojie Li, Yongqin Zhang, XinGao*. Characterization and subunit composition of collagen from the body wall of sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus.Food Chemistry, Volume 100, Issue 3, 2007, Pages 1120-1125.
9. Fu Xiaoting, Lin Hong, Kim Sang Moo. 2008. Optimization of culturing condition and medium composition for the production of alginate lyase by a marine Vibrio sp. YKW-34. Journal of Ocean University of China (English version).7:97—102.
10. Xiao Ting Fu,Sang Guan You, Sang Moo Kim. 2008. Characterization of a salt-tolerant acid protease produced by Bacillus Megaterium KLP-98 and its potential as a fermentation starter for the manufacture of fish sauce. Journal of Food Biochemistry.32:279—298. (SCI; Impact factor: 0.756)
11. Xiao Ting Fu,Hong Lin, Sang Moo Kim. 2007. Purification and characterization of a Na+/K+ dependent alginate lyase from turban shell gut Vibrio sp. YKW-34. Enzyme and Microbial Technology.41:828—834. (SCI; Impact factor: 1.897)
12.Xiao Ting Fu,Hong Lin, Sang Moo Kim. 2008. Purification and characterization of a novel β-agarase, AgaA34, from AgarivoransalbusYKW-34. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.78:265—273. (SCI; Impact factor: 3.689)
13.Xiao Ting Fu, Cheol-Ho Pan, Hong Lin, Sang Moo Kim. 2009. Gene Cloning, Expression, and Characterization of a β-Agarase, AgaB34, from Agarivoransalbus YKW-34.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.19:257—264. (SCI; Impact factor: 2.037)
14.Xiao Ting Fu, Hong Lin, Sang Moo Kim. 2009. Optimization of medium composition and culture conditions for agarase production by Agarivoransalbus YKW-34. Process Biochemistry.44:1158—1163. (SCI; Impact factor: 3.149)
15. Xiao Ting Fu, Sang Moo Kim. 2010. Agarase: review of major sources, categories, purification method, enzyme characteristics and applications. Marine Drugs.8: 200—218. (SCI; Impact factor: 3.471)
16. Xiao Ting Fu,Sang Moo Kim. 2011. Soybean - Genetics and Novel Techniques for Yield Enhancement, Chapter 16 Salt-tolerant acid proteases: Purification, identification, enzyme characteristics, and applications for soybean paste and sauce industry. InTech. pp 311-326.
Lab photos

Current and past lab students