The finalcontest in 2013 ACCA Job Hunting Competition for northern China organized byACCA came to a close in Beijing after more than four months’ strict selectionand fierce competition.
The teamconsists of four students, Zhao Jing, Xu Shuai, Sun Cong and Zhang Lin who camefrom college of management of OUC, defeated the other teams including CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Universityof International Business and Economics with their excellent performance, andwon the championship. Opportunity that represents the northern China division toparticipate the finals which will be hosted in Shanghai in July was alsorewarded to them. ACCA Beijing representative office awarded the prizes andcertificates to four students.
Inaddition, Zhao Jing was rated the best player in northern China division withher outstanding individual performance. Zhao Jing was selected for the 2013ACCA accounting elite training program, and she will receive a one-week traineeactivity for August in Hong Kong.
This isthe tenth year for ACCA Job Hunting Competition which is famous for itsimitation of the business environment and goal of comprehensively enhance theemployability of players. Maybe this just reflects one corner of the effortsthat college of management has done to improve students' employability in sucha grim employment situation.