The Nineteenth Session of FAO/WHO Coordination Committee for Asia was held from 1st to 7th, November, in Tokyo, Japan. The delegation of China composed of 14 members coming from the ministry of agriculture science and technology development center, Academy of yellow sea fisheries research institute of China, The national center for foodsafety risk assessment, National health and family planning commission, China Commerce Union, Ocean University of China, Jiangsu laver association, and Fujian aquatic products processing and distribution association, etc. Nasha Mi and Xiaoting Fu, two teachers of our college attended this meeting.
During the meeting, delegates discussed the Commentsand information on national food control systems, consumer participation infood standards setting and the use of Codex standards at the national level, Comments on the Proposed Draft Regional Standard for Laver Products, Comments on the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practices for the Street-Vended Foods, etc. (Written by Xiaoting Fu; Photographed by Nasha Mi)