28th-29th,June, 2014, The first Plenary Session and Teaching Seminar for Teaching SteeringCommittee of Departments of Food Science and Engineering in Universities of theMinistry of Education in 2014 was held in the Ocean University of China,Qingdao. Academician Hua-Shi Guan of the Ocean University of China, AcademicianBao-Guo Sun of the Beijing Technology and Business University, and Academician Bei-WeiZhu of Dalian University of Technology attended the conference, as well as 37members of Teaching Steering Committee of Departments of Food Science and Engineeringin Universities of the Ministry of Education. More than 300 teachers from thefood professional colleges and universities in China attended this conference,and so did the representatives from Chemical Industry Press, China Light IndustryPress, China Agriculture Press, and China Forestry Press.
Professor Chang-Hu Xue, dean ofthe College of Food Science and Engineering of the Ocean University of China, hostedthe opening ceremony. Professor Shuang-Lin Dong, vice-chancellor of the Ocean Universityof China gave a welcoming speech on behalf of the university, and introducedthe situation and achievements of teaching reform in the recent years. ProfessorZheng-Yu Jin, Director of Teaching Steering Committee, vice-chancellor of JiangnanUniversity, introduced the background of the committee meeting and majorissues, etc.
The structure of the teaching standardestablished in the conference is consistent with the National Teaching QualityStandard of Departments of Science and Technology suggested by theMinistry of Education. The standard content is mainly based on the undergraduaterequirements by the Ministry of Education of the five departments of the directory:the Department of Food Science and Engineering, Department of Food Quality and Safety,Department of Brewing Engineering, and Department of Dairy Engineering,. Inaddition, the delegates from the overview of quality standards, suitable rangeof professional, training target, training specifications, teaching staff,teaching condition, and quality guarantee system were put forward, as well as theknowledge system and core curriculum content such as the operability ofsupplementary of the five departments.
In the conference, discussionswere also carried out on the personnel training mode, construction of practiceteaching, the fine resources sharing content. Besides, 14 delegates fromuniversities in food made wonderful report, respectively.
After the conference, therepresentatives visited the Pilot Plant of College of Food Science and Engineering,Ocean University of China, and Shandong Seafood Engineering Center. (Written by Xixiu Ma; Photographed by Qing Kong)