PhD. Richard E Goodman visits College of Food Science and Engineering, OUC

PhD. Richard E Goodman, professor from University of Nebraska—Lincoln, was invited to visit the Collegeof Food Science and Engineering, OUC on April 28 to June 3, 2014. During his visit,Dr. Goodman delivered a seminar about: Food Allergens: Concepts, Controls andRisk Management which was held on 29th April at 9:30 in theconference room 104. Dr. Goodman is highlyproductive in learning and doing research experience on food allergy, he consistentlyintroduced the occurrence of food allergy and the development, also elucidateddetailed status and development trend of allergy detection and control technologiesinternationally. Presentat the meeting were Dr. Lin Hong-party branch secretary of College of FoodScience and Engineering, OUC, Dr. Liang Xingguo, Madam Tang Qingjuan and morethan 20 postgraduates and undergraduates. After the seminar, Dr. Goodman had a friendly talk with teachers and students on the problems ofimmunological changes of digestive organs triggered by allergy and allergythreshold. Dr. Goodman is mainly engaged in the study of food allergens, and he is a well-knownresearcher on food allergy. He has worked on safety assessment of geneticallymodified crops at Monsanto Company before. After he enrolled as the professorin University of Nebraska—Lincoln,he hosted and participated in the establishments of many global allergyassessment systems, and he was directly involved in as well as the allergyassessment of Chinese genetically modified crops. (Writing /Figure Dr. Li Zhenxing)
