The forum of textbooks revision and course teaching for Food Chemistry of colleges in 2013

A forum of textbooks revision and course teaching for "Food Chemistry" of colleges was held on the afternoon of December 20th 2013 at the conference hall of theWest Lake Garden Hotel.Present at the meeting were Prof. Lin Hong, Secretary of CPC Committee of College of Food Science and Engineering, Prof. Wang Dongfeng, Vice President of College of Food Science and Engineering, Mr. Meng Xiangbo, OUC academic affairs division,Ms. Zhao Yuqing, the chief editor of Chemical Industry Press, life-food branch, Dr. Zhang Hui from Zhejiang University, Prof. Chen Haihua from Qingdao Agricultural University and five teachers relevant to "Food Chemistry" from OUC, college of Food Science and Engineering. At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Wang Dongfeng announced the start of the forum and introduced the experts, and then, Prof. Lin Hong gave a welcome speech to the experts. Prof. Wang Dongfeng made an analysis and presentation about significance, status, standard and experience of "Food Chemistry" course construction with the theme of “the practice and experience of “Food Chemistry” course construction as a national elaborate course”. Prof. Meng Xianghong, Prof. Chen Haihua, Dr. Zhang Li also gave an important report about "Food Chemistry", respectively. Ms. Zhao Yuqing brought new elaborate textbooks, pointed out development direction of "Food Chemistry" course in 12th five-year plan. At last, Prof. Wang Dongfeng reported the compiling status of "Food Chemistry"(second edition) and had a heated discussion with all of experts to get many valuable comments and suggestions. (Article/Figures: Liu Bingjie)
