Social Services

Taking our advantages of high-quality discipline construction, the department has provided talents, direct services and technical supports for the society and cultural industry. During 11th Five-Year period, our department has well exerted the service functions that the college art education should provide for the society. During this period, the teachers and students of OCUArtDepartment have held various cultural activities including Elegant Arts into the Campus activities, commercial performances, public performances, teacher’s individual concerts, joint concerts by teachers and student as well as oversea performances. The department has made outstanding contributions to the campus cultural construction, urban spiritual civilization and Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. Therefore, the department has been well received by the masses and society.

In the 12th Five Year period, to further demonstrate the academic achievement of OCUArtDepartment, we will continue to organize influential academic activities and encourage the faculty and students to involve in the commercial performances, public performances, individual concerts and joint concerts. The orchestra of our department will push on the Elegant Culture into the Campus activities, expand the possibilities of over-sea performances and make further contributions to the campus cultural construction, urban spiritual civilization and Sino-foreign cultural exchanges.