Dual Degree Master Program with Foreign Institutions
OUC Lawsingle-mindedly concentrates on its students. We created dual master of lawprogram with University of Alabama school of Law, University of Baltimore schoolof Law, University of Oregon School of Law, Penn State University DickinsonSchool of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School and Bangor University School ofLaw. Besides, master + JD program and Bachelor + JD program are carried outwith University of Arizona School of Law.
“1+1+1 dual LL.M. Program”
OUC Law and thecooperative institutions agree to offer well-qualified graduate students(limited to LL.M. students with an LL.B. degree) the opportunity to obtain anLL.M. from both OUC Law and the foreign institution in a model of “1+1+1”, atotal of three years. In order to earn both degrees, candidates must completeone academic year of studies (two terms) at OUC Law, one year (two terms) atthe foreign institution, and then one year (two terms) back to OUC Law tofinish the graduate thesis, for a total of three years (6 terms). Candidatessuccessfully completing the Program shall be awarded an LL.M. from OUC Law andan LL.M. from the foreign institution as separate degrees, and not as a singlejoint degree.
“2+2 LL.M. /JD Program”
OUC Law and Arizona Law agree to offer well-qualified graduatestudents from OUC Law (limited to LL.M. students with an LL.B. degree) theopportunity to obtain both an LL.M. degree from OUC Law and a J.D. from ArizonaLaw in as much as one year less time than would be required if the degrees werepursued sequentially. In order to earnboth degrees, candidates in the OUC Law LL.M. degree program must complete theprogram in a total of four years of which two years must be completed inresidence at Arizona Law. Candidates successfully completing the Program shallbe awarded a JD from Arizona Law and a LL.M. from OUC Law, as separate degreesand not as a single joint degree.
“3+2 LLB/JD Program”
OUC Law andArizona Law agree to offer well qualified students from OUC Law the opportunityto obtain both their first law degree from OUC Law and a J.D. from Arizona Lawin as much as two years less time than would be required if the degrees werepursued sequentially. In order to earnboth degrees, candidates in the OUC Law LL.B. degree program must complete theprogram in a total of five years of which two years must be completed in residenceat Arizona Law. Candidates successfully completing the Program shall be awardeda JD from Arizona Law and a LL.B. from OUC Law, as separate degrees and not asa single joint degree.