Department of Politics and Administration of Ocean University of China was established and set upbachelor's degree program in 1997 and set up public administration master'sdegree program after approved by the Academic Degree Commission of the StateCouncil in 2003, political theory, international politics and internationalrelationship master’s degree programs from 2006 as well. And then politicalscience as a first class discipline was approved a master’s degree program in2010 which is distinctive in areas of political theory, Chinese and foreignpolitical institution, international politics, ocean politics and environmentpolitics etc. Department of Political Science and Public Administration hasseveral research teams in political theory, Chinese and foreign politicalinstitution, international politics, international relationship and two researchcenters for international issues and ocean politics. The Department currentlyenrolls about 200 undergraduates and 40 postgraduates and consists of 12 teachers(10 of them have doctoral degree) including 5 full professors, 3 associateprofessors and 4 lecturers. For years, the teachers of our department havefinished more than 30 academic research projects granted by the state,provincial governments and ministries of the State Council and published morethan 40 monographs and textbooks, more than 300 papers as well.