Dr. Liu, Lei
PhD in cold war international history, graduated from East China Normal University,
Associate Professor of the School of Law & Political Science of the OUC,
Room 207, teaching and research office of international politics,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, Shandong, P. R. China, 266100.
Email: coldwarrior@ouc.edu.cn.
Research Fields:
Cold War History; U.S. Military and Foreign Policy; China's Foreign Policy.
Published tens of articles in the topics above.
Visiting scholar in Department of History, Kansas State University, August 2010- August 2011, sponsored by China Scholarship Council;
2013 Annual Conference of Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations(SHAFR), June 20-23, 2013, Arlington, the United States, with the SHAFR Global Scholar Grant.
NPIHP, Nuclear Boot Camp 2012, organized and sponsored by Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars of the United States and University of Roma Tre, June 16-June 26, Rome, Italy.