
Associate Professor Stuart Pearson Associate Professor, Deputy Head of School (Administration) BA (Hons), DipEd, PhD UNSW
Telephone: +61 2 6268 8305 Fax: +61 2 6268 8017 Email: stuart.pearson@adfa.edu.au Location: PEMS Nth, Room 334, Building 22
My UNSW Research Gateway Profile Australian Dendrochronology beyond 2011 28th November 2011 Workshop Report Practical Responses to Climate Change conference 1-3 May 2012 Canberra more
Current Position and Career Background Assoc. Prof. Stuart Pearson is Deputy Head of School (Administration) in the School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences. He is a member of the Geography Discipline and this is a significant discipline employing 8 full-time staff. He joined the University of New South Wales in 2009 after managing research for one of the agencies (Land & Water Australia) of the Australian Government's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. In that role, as a research investor and manager, he provided research leadership and support on issues such as Stewardship, Citizen Science, Periurban Issues, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Pesticides risk on the Reef and Resilience. He set the strategic direction of A$2.5 million of new investments each year and managed 61 current projects and an active portfolio of A$8.8 million in research. This included management of 23 postgraduate research scholars at multiple universities working on applied research projects. 1989 - BA (Hons) UNSW - History, Geography, English, Economics 1990 - Dip Ed UNSW 1992-93 - High School Teacher, Granville South High 1993 - Teaching Certificate, NSW Dept of School Education 1994-95 - Tutor, School of Geography, UNSW 1995 - Associate Lecturer, Biogeography, Uni of Wollongong 1998 - PhD UNSW 1995-2005 - Lecturer, Environmental Science and Geography, Uni of Newcastle 2005-2007 - Senior Knowledge Broker, Land & Water Australia 2007-2009 - Innovation Program Manager, Land & Water Australia 2009 to present - Associate Professor, UNSW
Current Research Assoc. Prof. Stuart Pearson has an ongoing research interest in achieving the transition of research into action and provides briefings to government on that research. For example, he has written papers on the monitoring and evaluation of research and policy using the triple bottom line and return in investment analysis to report on the impact of investing in research in natural resource management. Tracking research impact and learning how to improve the outcomes of science investment is fundamental to environmental science's multidisciplinary and integrated approach to significant issues. His other research includes using plant and animal fossils preserved in stick-nest rat middens and the weather signals recorded in tree rings to record evidence of environmental change in arid and semi-arid Australia. He is currently a collaborator with Dr Michael Bunce (Murdoch University and an ARC Future Fellow) on an Australian Research Council funded project using fossil DNA to uncover ancient population changes.
Stuart has recently completed a national collaborative project on Callitris dendrochronology (Pearson et al. in press) that worked with a team of people to cross-date tree rings from Callitris pines using the changing carbon isotope concentrations caused by atmospheric bomb testing. He instigated a national Dendrochronology Conference in November 2011, funded by the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology) to help scope future research including the application of new ITRAX sensors. He was on the Committee for the Australian Institution of Engineers Practical Responses to Climate Change conference in 2012.
Reflecting his commitment to working with China's academic colleagues and research students he has been guest editor of the Special Edition of Labour and Management in Development following the establishment of the Sino-Australian Research Centre for Coastal Management. In 2013 he is on sabbatical in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Teaching ZPEM1202 Contemporary Global Change (2009 - present) ZPEM2212 Managing Environmental Change (2009 - present) ZPEM3208 Geographic Research Methods (2011)
Research Students Stuart has supervised or co-supervised 18 completed projects by research students across policy, environmental and palaeoecological fields. Including: Lucyna Gayler - PhD (Environmental Science) - A Palaeoenvironmental History of the Paroo and Warrego Regions, Australia: a Multi-proxy, Multi-site Approach. Completed 2008. Reece Osborne - BSc (Hons) - An environmental record from a stand of Callitris preissii from Queen Victoria Springs, Western Australia. Completed 2011. Vijai Joseph, PhD (Geography) - Vulnerability to sea level rise of coastal communities in Central Java: Developing a systems approach and perspective, PhD thesis 2012. Available online: http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/52238. Zhaosu MENG - PhD - predominantly supervised by Brian Lees - Impact of El Niño-Southern Oscillation on rice production in China, PhD thesis 2012. Available online: http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/52235. Shengnan CHEN - PhD (Oceanography) - Comparative Research on Legal and Regulatory Frameworks Related to Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Australia and China - in progress. Bo DONG - Biofuel Research, Policy and Adoption in Agricultural Systems: A Comparison of China and Australia - in progress.
Grants Recently Funded Projects 2011 - AINSE Grant - Opening tree core and sub-fossil wood archives at key Western Australian sites using AMS sating of the Bomb Pulse period and iTRAX 2010 - UNSW - Geography Curriculum Development for ADFA 2010 - UNSW - Setting-up a science laboratory 2009 - Land & Water - Australian Government Grant - A review of twenty years of investment a triple bottom line return on investment analysis
Publications since 2005 Journal Articles Mills, K., Gell, P., Gergis, J., Baker, P.J., Finlayson, C.M., Hesse, P.P., Jones, R., Kershaw, P., Pearson, S., Treble, P.C., Barr, C., Brookhouse, M., Drysdale, R., McDonald, J., Haberle, S., Reid, M., Thoms, M. & Tibby, J., (2013), Paleoclimate studies and natural-resource management in the Murray-Darling Basin II: Unravelling human impacts and climate variability, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(5), 561-571, doi: 10.1080/08120099.2013.823463. Joseph, V., Thornton, A., Pearson, S. & Paull, D., (2013), Occupational transitions in three coastal villages in Central Java, Indonesia, in the context of sea level rise: a case study, Natural Hazards, 1-20, doi: 10.1007/s11069-013-0735-6. Mei, H., Pearson, S., & Chen, S., (2013), Judicial experience in environmental protection: An interview with the Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, Australia, China Environmental Law Review, 9, 87-101. Pearson, S., Chudleigh, P., Simpson, S., & Schofield, N. (2012) Learning to invest better: Using ex post investment analysis on agri-environmental research and development. Research Evaluation, 21(2), 136-151. Murray, D.C., Pearson, S.G, Fullagar, R. Chase B.M., Houston J., Atchison, J., White, N.E., Bellgard, M.I., Clarke E., Macphail, M., Gilbert, M.T.P., Haile, J., & Bunce, M., (2012) High-throughput sequencing of ancient plant and mammal DNA preserved in herbivore middens, Quaternary Science Reviews 58, 135-145. Pearson, S., Hua Q., Allen K., Bowman D.M.J.S. (2011) Validating putatively cross-dated Callitris tree-ring chronologies using bomb-pulse radiocarbon analysis, Australian Journal of Botany, 59(1), 7-17. Pearson, Stuart Graham, Honeywood, Steven James, O'Toole, John Mitchell (2005) Not yet learning for sustainability: The challenge of environmental education in a university, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 14, 173-186. Webeck, K., Pearson, S. (2005) Stick-nest rat middens and a late-Holocene record of White Range, central Australia, Holocene, 1(5), 466-471.
Reports Gell, P., Gergis, J. Mills, K., Baker, P., De Deckker, P., Finlayson, M., Hesse, P., Jones, R., Kershaw, P., Pearson, S., Treble, P., Barr, C., Brookhouse, M., Drysdale, R., Haberle, S. Karoly, D.J., McDonald, J., Reid, M., Thoms, M., and Tibby, J. (2009) Palaeoclimate Studies Relevant to Natural Resource Management in the Murray Darling Basin, in Murray-Darling Basin Authority Science Review (pdf, 1.7MB), Canberra, Australia. Pearson, S., Chudleigh, P., Simpson, S. & Schofield, N. (2010) Measuring Return on 20 years of Investment in Natural Resource Management Research & Development, Land & Water Australia, Canberra. Available on-line http://lwa.gov.au/products/pn30369 (pdf, 1.18 MB). Schofield, N., Chudleigh, P., Simpson, S,. & Pearson, S. (2008) Land & Water Australia's Portfolio Return on Investment & Evaluation Case Studies, Land & Water Australia, Canberra. Pearson, S. & Coffey, B. (2007) Stewardship, Market based instruments and Ecosystem Services, Land & Water Australia, Canberra.
Book Chapters Pearson, S. & Donaldson, J., (2010) 'Woodlands conservation: some lessons from managing research and observing policy'', Temperate Woodland Conservation and Management, David Lindenmayer, Andrew Bennett and Richard Hobbs (eds), CSIRO Publishing,Collingwood, pp. 271 - 282. [B2] Chudleigh, P., Pearson, S., Schofield, N., Simpson, S. (2010) 'Knowledge for managing Australian landscapes: Evaluating an applied research portfolio', Chapter submitted for ANU e-book titled Knowledge for Managing Australian Landscapes. [B2] Cork' S., Foran, B. Pearson, S. (2010) 'Powerful Possibilities'. Chapter submitted for ANU e-book titled Knowledge for Managing Australian Landscapes. [B2]
Conference Publications Pearson, S. (2012) Australia Ecosystem Goods and Services Five Relevant Snippets. Pages Focus 4 Biodiversity theme Workshop: Landscape Planning for the Future Using fossil records to map potential threats, opportunities and likely future development for biodiversity and ecosystem services 9-11 January 2012 Oxford. Osborne, R & Pearson, S. Callitris in the deserts of Western Australia: a tough testing ground, Ecological Society of Australia 2011 Symposium: Poised between population irruption and collapse what does the ecology of Callitris teach us about Australian environmental history Hobart, Tasmania. Pearson, S. & Gayler, L. (2010) 'Looking elsewhere to avoid confirmation bias', PAGES Conference Melbourne 2010 (Poster) Chudleigh, Peter; Schofield,Nick; Pearson, S. (2010) 'Evaluating an applied research portfolio', Knowledge for Managing Australian Landscapes, Canberra 2010. Foran, Barney; Cork, Steve; Pearson, S., Fisher, Tim; Alexandra, Jason (2010) 'Futures thinking and ecosystem services', Knowledge for Managing Australian Landscapes, Canberra 2010. Pearson, S. & Cockerill, Alex (2010) 'What should we take from the past into the future?' AQUA Conference 2010. Pearson, S. (2010) 'Is there nothing citizen science cannot do?' Australian Association of Environmental Educators Conference 2010, Canberra. Hua, Q; Bowman, D; Pearson, S., Allen K. (2008) 'Validation of tree-ring ages of recent Australian Callitrisby means of bomb radiocarbon'. Abstract submitted for the 11th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, 14-19 Sept. 2008, Rome, Italy. Gayler, L. & Pearson, S. (2007) The palaeoenvironments of the semi-Arid Paroo/Warrego Region, NW NSW and SW Qld, Australia A multi-proxy approach, INQUA Conference, Cairns. Pearson, S., Hartig, K., Webeck, K. & Allen, G. (2006) Getting ready for desert knowledge: Learning in universities the knowledge economy and its place in the desert, Desert Knowledge Symposium, Alice Springs.