Name: Xin Dai
Title: Associate Professor
Email: richarddx2002@gmail.com
Duke University School of Law
J.D., 2009
Peking University
LL.B., law/sociology, 2006
Research and Teaching:
LegalTheories, Law and Society, Law and Economics, American Law and Politics
·Deterrence Supplementation and“Lenient Sentencing upon Compensation,” Social Sciences in China, Volume 3, July2010.
·Psychology in Legal Studies: AComparison of Approaches,Law and Social Sciences, Volume 2, June 2007.
·Wrongful Convictions: TheCognitive Dimension and the Dilemma of Discourse, Law and Social Sciences, Volume 1, June2006.
·Images of Justice: LadyJustice in Western Fine Arts and Implications for Legal Discourse, Peking University LawReview, Volume 7, Issue 2, July 2006.
Reviews and commentaries
·Issues with Dr. Tang’sResearch on Enforcement of Civil Judgments, Law and Social Sciences, Volume 7,December 2010.
·The Behavioral Movement: FastForward or Laboring Along?China Social Sciences Today, May 2010.
·Devils in the Details, Law and Social Sciences,Volume 6, June 2010.
·Potentials and Limitations, Law Book Review, Volume 7,January 2008.
Book translations
·MikeFeintuck, “The Public Interest” in Regulation (Renmin University PressForthcoming 2014).
·(Co-translator) John R. Commons, Legal Foundation ofCapitalism (Hua Xia Press 2009).
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Associate attorney, 2010 to 2013
International CriminalTribunal for Rwanda
Visiting attorney, November 2012