Name: Li Yan
Gender: Male
2001 – present
Associate Professor at Ocean University of China and Researcher at the International Law Institute of Beijing University. Lecturingon international law, law of sea, space law, conflict law and internationalmonetary and financial systems. Research interests include classic politicalthought, formal logics and its impacts on social science, internationalmonetary and financial systems, international affair, Sino-US military balance,military technology development and its impact on the conduct of war, Chinamaritime strategy, geopolitics, Asian territorial disputes, internationalconflict settlement,
1999 – present
Analyst of and writer on strategic andmilitary affairs for the Hong Kong based mainstream magazine “Wilde Angle” andother mainstream newspapers in Hong Kong. This Magazine is one of the few magazines outside China analyzing Chinese military and international geopolitics and strategic trends on a monthly basis, and being freelycirculated and subscribed to in China.
The magazine focuses on Chinese business,military and political elites, its articles are regularly reproduced in China bythe Chinese media, collected by libraries and also circulated and madeavailable widely on the Internet. published more than hundred articles underthe pseudonyms Gao Yan and Fan Xian, which have influenced thesecurity-concerned professional world in both Taiwan and mainland China.
1976 -1980
Beijing University, Faculty of WesternLanguages
Main subjects: French &English languages,International Affairs.
1980 -1982
Beijing University, Faculty of Law.
Post-Graduated studies: International Law.
1982 -1984
Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve (UCL),Faculty of Law
Main subject: Business law.
Degree: Master of Law.
1984 -1987
Extra-curricular program in businessmanagement at the Business School of UCL
1984 – 1987
Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve (UCL),Faculty of Law
Prepared doctorate thesis in international law
Subject: International Treaties on NuclearControl
Degree: Doctor of Law (PH.D) in December 1987.
1987 – 1988
Free University of Brussels (ULB), Instituteof Economics.
Post-doctorate research fellow
Subject of research: Financial reform in Chinaafter 1980