Sept., 2013
Personal Details
Surname: Ma
First Name: Yingjie
Date of Birth: May. 26, 1965
Place of Birth: Shandong,Rongcheng, China
Sex: Female
E-mail address: mayj@ouc.edu.cn,mayingjie8888@163.com
Current Position: Professorin Environmental Protection Law,
Educationand Professional Qualification
Doctor of Environmental Sciences, College of Environmental Sciences, OceanUniversity of China, 2002.9-2008.7
Master of Marine Sciences, Institute of Oceanography of Chinese Academyof Sciences, Qingdao, 1985.9-1988.7
Bachelor of Marine Sciences, Department of Biology, Ocean University ofChina, 1981.9-1985.7
Dec. 2006~ Present, Schoolof Law and Political Sciences, Ocean University of China, Professor
Jan. 1997~ Dec. 2006, Institute of the Law of theSea, Ocean University of China, Associate Profess of law
Jan.1994~Dec.1996, Instituteof the Law of the Sea, Ocean University of China, Lecture
Sept.1988~Dec.1994,Editorial Office of the journal of Marine Sciences, Editor
ProfessionalSocieties and Affiliations
Member of Associationof Environmental and Natural Resources Law of China;
Member of Association ofEnvironmental and Natural Resources Law of Shandong Province;
1. Ma, Y., Wang. Wang W., 2010.Managementof the emergency reaction of oil pollution in China, Journal of OceanUniversity of China, special issue .
2. Ma, Y., Li, Y., 2012. Integratedcoastal zone management in Qingdao. Journalof the party of C.P.C Qingdao Municipal Committee. 2.
3. Ma, Y., Zou, L., 2009. On the Legal Issues of Monitoring of the Sea. Marine information. 1.
4. Ma, Y., Dong,Y., 2007. On the Legal system of Marine Environmental Protection of China, Marine Sciences. 11.
5. Ma, Y., Zhang,X., 2007. The Comparison of Environmental Impact Assessment and territorial seaUse Assessment. Marine Sciences. 9.
6. Ma, Y., Xie,X., et al., 2004. On the Island Natural Reserves of China Marine Economy. 3.
7. Xu, X., Ma,Y., 2002. On the Legal Protection of Marine Biodiversity of China. Marine Development and Management. 2.
7. Ma, Y., 2003. Onthe Marine Legal System of China, Marine Economy. 1.
8. Ma, Y., Hu,Z., 2001. Theory and Practice of Integrated Marine Management, MarineDevelopment and Management.
1. Ma, Y., 2008. Lawson the Protection of Endangered or Rare Marine Animals. Press of the OceanUniversity of China.
2. Ma, Y., Tian,Q., 2006. Studies on the Laws of Protection of Marine resources. Press of the Ocean University of China.
3. Ma, Y., Hu,Z., 2006. Studies on the Laws of Protection of Marine Biodiversity. Press of the Ocean University of China.
4. Ma, Y., 2002. TheSea Under Jurisdiction of China. Yellow River Publishing House.
1.The legal measures on theManagement of the Bohai Sea, Sponsored by the Ocean University of China, 2013.
2.Research on the Coastal management in China,Sponsored by the Ocean Administration of China. 2009
3.Research on the amendment of the “MarineEnvironmental Protection Law of China”, 2011. Sponsored by the OceanAdministration of China. 2009
4. Drafting themarine environmental protection Plan of Weihai, 2006.
proposedcourse for the graduate students
1.MarineEnvironmental protection law (32 contact hours)
Introducethe International conventions, laws, regulation, domestic rules and standardson the management marine environment. Including the planning of cities andtowns, the Environmental Impact assessment, and evaluation of seas area uses; and various standards on the constructionof structures. Focus shall be placed on (1)the reflection of constructions inthe fast of urbanization of China. With in 20 years, the urban population willincrease about 1/2 in the coastal cities, how to solve the problems in thisprocess? (2)There are already marine monitoring and forecasting systems inworld wide scope and in a state’ scope, what I am interested in is how toincorporate the newly established coastal infrastructure monitoring and forecastingsystems into the big and old one, and make it workable.
2.Biodiversityprotection law (32 contact hours)
Introducethe International conventions, laws, regulation, domestic rules and standardson the protection of biodiversity. Introduce the current situation ofbiodiversity in China and important protection measures. Focus is on the casesstudies of special protected habitats and special species.