Shi Liang(LeoShi)
Male,PH.D., Instructor.
Email: Laoshi2003@126.com
Introduction to Jurisprudence;
Introduction to Chinese Legal Culture;
Introduction to Western Legal History;
Comparative studies of Sino-Western Legal Culture.
Fields of Interests:
Legal-history and Legal Culture;
History of Western Constitutionalism;
Multiculturalism and Inter-religious law;
Human Rights: Histories, Theories andPractices.
PH.D., ZhongNan University of Economics and Law,2008-2011.
Concentrations: Chinese Political and Legal history; Philosophy of Law;Christianity, Taoism and Confucianism.
Dissertation:A new Study of Huang Tsung-His’ Thoughtson Politics and Law.
Master, ZhongNan University of Economicsand Law,2005-2008.
Concentrations: Western Thoughts on Politics and Law, Jurisprudence,
MasterThesis: On the State of Nature: A Study of the logical starting point of J.Locke’s political thought.
Bachelor, ZhongNan University ofEconomics and Law,2001-2005.
Concentrations: Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence,
Thesis: A Study of the First Amendment ofthe Constitution of U.S.A..
Teaching Experience:
2011.7 to date.
Ocean University of China, QingDao.
Course: Introductionto Chinese Legal Culture; introduction to Western LegalHistory, Jurisprudence.
2008 to 2011.
Police University of HuBei, WuHan.
Course: Chinese Legal History, Western Legal History, Constitutional Law.
HuaZhong University of Science and Technology Wuchang Branch, WuHan.
Course: Western Legal History, Constitutional Law.