YU Xiaoyi

Xiaoyi Yu

Ocean University of China

Law & Politics School

238Songling Road



Date of Birth: June 6, 1979

Place of Birth: Shandong Province, China


lPh.D.    JilinUniversity(Changchun, China), Jurisprudence(2007)

lM.Phil.  Jilin University(Changchun,China), Philosophy (2004)

lLL.B   Jilin University(Changchun, China), Law(2001)


lLectureof Jurisprudence, Department of Law (2007-present)

lGraduateDirector in Jurisprudence, Juris Master Program (2009-present)


lCoursesfor undergraduate: Jurisprudence, Modern Legal Philosophy

lCoursesfor graduate: Jurisprudence, Studies on Justice, Current Issues OfJurisprudence

lGeneralEducation Course: Reel Justice

lGuideda number of research projects for undergraduate such as SRDP.


ARTICLES (2007-present)

[1]YUXiaoyi. ADisconfirmation of the Frank’s Proposition. Journal of OceanUniversity of China(Social Sciences Edition), 2012,5.

[2]YUXiaoyi, LI Lianying. The Review of New Legal Realism. Citizen and Law, 2011, 9.

[3]YUXiaoyi. Frank’sView of Justice from His Legal Realism. Journal of Ocean University ofChina(Social Sciences Edition), 2011,6.

[4]XinRuifang, YU Xiaoyi. Readjustment of Roles of Lawyers in the New Era. Journal ofShandong Police College, 2011, 6.

[5]YUXiaoyi. A Legal Realist’s Skepticism Approach. Journal of South ChinaUniversity of Technology (Social Science Edition), 2011, 5.

[6]YUXiaoyi. Between the Morality and Law, Openings, 2011, 5.

[7]YUXiaoyi, KONG Xiangkui. The Modesty of Functional Judicatory.Journalof Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology, 2011, 3.

[8]YUXiaoyi. Reforming of Legal Value in an Era of Globalization.Journalof Southwest University of Science and Technology (Philosophy Social SciencesEdition), 2011, 2.

[9]YUXiaoyi. Anti-Traditional American Legal Realism. Journal of Ocean University ofChina (Social Sciences Edition), 2011, 2.

[10]YUXiaoyi. Focusing on Reality. Yearbook of Western Legal Philosophers Study, 2011.

[11]YUXiaoyi. A Feasible Research Approach to Frank’s Legal Philosophy. Science andManagement, 2010, 5.

[12]YUXiaoyi. Berman’sView of Law from Tradition.Collected Works of Western Legal PhilosophyReviews, 2010.

[13]YUXiaoyi. The Global View in University Jurisprudence Education. Journal of OceanUniversity of China (Social Sciences Edition), 2010,S1.

[14]YUXiaoyi. Inheritance of Teaching Character. Ocean University of China News,2010,1669.

[15]YUXiaoyi. Early Autonomous Development of Chinese Jurisprudence.Knowledgeand Law, 2009.

[16]YUXiaoyi.Facts as the Basis of a Case. Yearbook of Western Legal Philosophers Study,2009.

[17]YUXiaoyi. Market and Society from Polany’s Standpoint. Journal of ShandongInstitute of Commerce and Technology, 2008, 1.

[18]YUXiaoyi. “Myth” or “Reality”. Yearbook of Western Legal Philosophers Study, 2008.

[19]YUXiaoyi. On the Disillusion of Basic Legal Myth. Science of Law (Journal ofNorthwest University of Political Science and Law), 2007, 1.

[20]YUXiaoyi. Crisis and Resolution. Knowledge and Law, 2007.

[21]YUXiaoyi. An Inquiry into the Fundamental Appeals of Frank’s Legal Realism.DoctoralDissertation,2007.


[1]YUXiaoyi.The Most Loyal Rebel: Frank’s LegalRealism. Beijing: Central Compilation & Translation Press, publishing.

[2]YUXiaoyi & Kong Xiangkui eds. John Stuart Mill on Law (Chineseedition). Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, publishing.

[3]JeromeFrank. Law and the Modern Mind (Chinese edition). YU Xiaoyi (ed.) Beijing: LawPress, publishing.

[4]YUXiaoyi et al. eds. Jurisprudence. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2013.

[5]YUXiaoyi et al. eds. Maritime Rights and Interests. Beijing: Ocean Press, 2009.

[6]YUXiaoyi et al. eds. Jurisprudence. Beijing: Science Press, 2008.


[1]“JudicialJustice at the Time of Social Transformation” (08CFX001), the National SocialScience Fund of China, 2008-2012,in Charge.

[2]“KnowledgeCriticisms and Reflections to ChineseRule of Law”, the National Social Science Fund of China, 2013-2016, Participating.

[3]“MarineAwareness in China and its Constructing Research”(11CSH034), the NationalSocial Science Fund of China, 2011-2014, Participating.

[4]“PracticalTeaching System for the Cultivation of ExcellentLegalTalents”2012140), from Education Department of ShandongProvince, 2012-2014, Participating.

[5]“PracticalTeaching System for the Cultivation of ExcellentLegalTalents”from OUC, 2012-2014, Participating.

[6]“Researchon the Life Quality of the Old People in Qingdao”, from Qingdao CityGovernment, 2009-2011, Participating.


l2009      the Third Prize of “Tiantai ExcellentTalents”

l2008      “the Young and Middle-agedLegalTalents in Qingdao”

l2007      Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, OutstandingGraduates