Ms. Xiaowen Liu is now a senior lecturer in Department of Law, Schoolof Lawand Politics, Ocean Universityof China, whereshe is also working as the office director of TeachingSection of international Law. Ms. Liu is also a member of council of Instituteof International Law, Institute of Relationship between Chinese Mainland andTaiwan in Shandong Law Association as well as a member of Chinese Maritime LawAssociation and Chinese Law Association.
Prior toher joining Ocean University of China, she holds a bachelor degree in Economics and master degree inInternational Law from Dalian Maritime University, China. She continued herstudy for the doctorate degree in Maritime Lawin Dalian Maritime University in the course of work. Her research focuses on Maritime law, International TradeLaw and Maritime Environmental Law. Ms. Xiaowen Liu also qualifiesas a PRC lawyer and has extensive experience in the practice coveringinternational trade, contract of international transportation, as well asadmiralty disputes.
Ms. Xiaowen Liu undertakes several researchprojects, including “Research on the Legal Position of the Beneficiary inProperty Insurance”; “Impacts of Rotterdam Rules on Chinese Foreign Trade and CountermeasuresStudy” and “Legal countermeasures of Chinese Harbour and Shipping Enterprisesin the Global Financial Crisis”.Herrepresentative journal publications are mainly in relation to the aboveresearches.