Title:Associate Professor
Education: Doctor of Laws
Teaching: Law of the Sea, Maritime Law,International Public Law, Legal English
Research Interests: Law of the sea, International MarinePublic Law, International Environmental Law
Researchon Legal Regulations about Ballast water, published by China LegalPublishing House in 2010
1. China’s Arctic Interests and the CooperationMechanism for the realization ,published in Study and Exploration 2013(12)
2. Research on International Legal Regimeof Ship’s Ballast Water,published in Frontiers of Law in China 2013(6)
3. Research on the Legislation System aboutPrevention from Marine Alien Species’ Invasion in China ,published in ChineseFisheries Economics 2013(1)
4. Research on the International Legal Issuesabout the use of the Arctic Routes ,published in Journal of OceanUniversity of China (Social Science) 2012(6)
5. Research on the Fundamental Principles aboutthe Prevention of Marine Alien Species’ Invasion by China ,published inStudy and Exploration 2012(9)
6.The Legal Issues over Compensation for Marine Environmental Damage from Vessels’Oil Spill-from the Perspective of ‘Tasman Sea’ Oil Spill Case ,published inJournal of Ocean University of China (Social Science) 2011(6)
7.Rethinking about the Teaching Methods for Legal English Study ,published inOcean University of China’s Journal of Higher Education 2011(1)
8. Research on the Quantificatin of GHG fromShips and China’s Policy Response ,published in Marine EnvironmentalScience 2010(6)
9. Analysis on the Legal Response for GHGEmission from Interntional Shipping ,published in Law Science Magazine2010(10)
10. Rethinking about the Emission Trade Regimein China-from the Perspetion of Water Quality Trade in U.S. ,published inJournal of Ocean University of China (Social Science)2010
11. On the Urgent Response Mechanism of OilSpill on the Sea of UK ,published in Ocean Development and Management 2010(10)
12. Research on Legal Regime of Natural ResourceDamages in the U.S. –from the Perspective of Oil Damage Protetion ,publishedin Eastern Law Review 2009(5)
13. A study of America’s Arctic Policy ,publishedin Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Science) 2009(5)
14. Discussion on the Common but DifferentiatedResponsibility from the perspective on Kyoto Protocol ,published inEnvironmental Protection 2008(6)
15.Thoughtson the ecosystem based management of marine environment, published in Ocean Developmentand Management 2008(5)
16. Review of StraightBill of Lading as Kind of Document of Title, published in Journal of OceanUniversity of China(Social Science)2007(3)
17. Legal Responsibilitiesof the Vessel not Spilling Oil in the Collision with Another Spilling Vessel,published in Ocean Development and Management 2007(2)