Shi Jun, female, doctor of law, associateprofessor of School of Law and Political Science of Ocean University of China,supervisor of postgraduate.
Address:Ocean University of China, Songling Road, Qingdao, China.
Zipcode: 266100
Research fields:
Environmentaland resources protection law, mainly engaged in environmental education,environmental litigation and other environmental law basic theory research.
Books and papers:
Published“study of the current legal document management in Bohai” (co-author), “Chinasea paid use system research” (co-author), “the report of Chinese environmentalrule of law ”(associate editor),“the environmental law theory and practiceunder the vision of the ecological civilization” (associate editor), “thepollution control and biological diversity protection-in civilization and legalperspective”, (associate editor), “the construction of the basic law of theenvironment and the improvement of the Marine environmental protectionlaw”(associate editor), “the construction of the ecological civilization andenvironmental public interest litigation”(associate editor), “the study of theenvironment law under the background of the climate change”(associate editor) ,“A research of legal protection of ‘blue and yellow economic zone’” (associateeditor), “Law core curriculum materials of General Higher Education-‘criminalprocedural law’”(associate editor),and other academic books and teachingmaterials. Published dozens of academic papers in “legal forum”, “journal ofZhengzhou university”, “journal of ocean university of china”.
Research projects:
Presidedand completed the world wildlife foundation, China Ocean Development ResearchCentre, Qingdao social science planning, Ocean University of China arts developmentfund and other national, provincial and city-level scientific researchprojects. Mainly include the world wildlife fund project “the yellow sea ecotype protectingbiodiversity and ecological habitat environment propaganda education action”,China Ocean Development Research Centre, “special study of the Yellow Riverdelta efficient ecological economic zone ecological environmental protectionlaws and regulations formulation and perfection research”, and Qingdao socialscience planning project “construction of ecological city and environmentalplanning legal problems research”, Ocean University of China arts developmentfund “project of environmental and natural resources law team buildingproject”, etc.; As the main members participating in the state oceanicadministration major scientific research project “the Bohai sea regionlegislation research”, and “the United Nations convention on the law ofdevelopment and perfect its maritime rights and interests of scientificresearch project”, all-china environment federation, “the environmental publicinterest litigation legislation research”, the ministry of education ofhumanities and social science research fund project “pollution damage to theenvironment socialization relief legal system research” and other projectresearch work.
The reward:
Shandongsocial science outstanding achievement
Shandongprovince outstanding teaching achievement prizes at
Qingdaosocial science outstanding achievement
OceanUniversity of China undergraduate teaching honorable mention
OceanUniversity of China teaching excellence award
OceanUniversity of China teaching evaluation honorable mention