Name:Chen Shuquan
Title:Professor of Administrative Law and Environment Law
lAcademic Visitor in the Law School of University of Dundee, UK(2009-2010);
lLL.D. (Ocean University of China,2004-2007);
lLLM(Nanjing University,1993-1996).
lBasic Theory of Administrative Law(Postgraduate),
lResearch on Administrative Activities(Postgraduate),
lMonographic Research on Administrative Litigation(Postgraduate);
lAdministrative Law(Undergraduate),
lAdministrative Litigation(Undergraduate),
lConstitution Law(Undergraduate).
Research Interests:
lTheory and Practice of Administrative Law,
lEnvironmental Administration and The Principle of Environmental Law,
lComparison of The Constitution and Constitutional System.
lStudy on the reform of the administrative management systemon environment.Qingdao: Ocean University of China Press, 2012.
lGeneration and Development of Chinese Environment andResources Law. Beijing: Science and Technology Press, 2007. (Co-authored)
lAdministrative Law. Beijing: Beijing University Press,October 2002. (Associate editor)
lShuquan Chen, “The problems and Countermeasures of the market management of thesea resources”, Shandong Social Sciences, no.9, 2012. (source journal ofCSSCI)
lShuquan Chen, “Onthe administrativerelative person right relief mechanism ofgovernment information disclosure”, Journal of Ocean Universityof China, no.5, 2012. (source journal of CSSCI)
lShuquan Chen, “On the Normalization Trigger Mechanism of the After-legislation Assessment”, Modern science of law, no.2,2012. (source journal of CSSCI)
lShuquan Chen, “On the Normalization Startup of the After-legislation Assessment”, Legal Forum, no.3, 2012.(source journal of CSSCI)
lShuquan Chen, “On perfecting system of publicizing Chinese government information”,Dongyue Review, no.12, 2011. (source journal of CSSCI)
lShuquan Chen, “Discretion of Police Administrative enforcement”, TheoryDiscussion, no. 6, 2007. (source journal of CSSCI)
lShuquanChen, “Perspective of Resources,Environment and Economic Coordinated Development”, Chinese Population,Resources and Environment, no. 2, 2006. (source journal of CSSCI)
lShuquanChen, “Learn from InternationalExperience to Restructures our Country’s Environment Legal Tax System Framework”,Ecological Economy, no. 11, 2005. (source journal of CSSCI)
lShuquanChen, “Study on The Administrative Systemof Small Cities and Towns”, Economic System Reform, no. 10, 2005. (sourcejournal of CSSCI)