| Fumin Yu PhD in law Professor of Law, Doctoral Supervisor Law & Politics School of Ocean University of China E-mail: fuminyu8610@126.com |
PhD in Law, The Law Institute of Postgraduate College of JilinUniversity
2001—2004 2699Qianjin Main Street, # Jilin University, Changchun,
Jilin 130012,China
Master in Civil Law, The Law Institute of Postgraduate College ofJilin University
1991—1994 2699 Main Street Qianjin St.,# Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin 130012, China
University Graduate, JilinTeachers’ University
1973-1976 1301Haifeng Main Street, Jilin Teachers’ University,
Siping, Jilin 136000, China
Professor of Law, Ocean University of China (OUC)
2006-current Address: No.238Songling Road,# Law & Politics School of
Ocean University of China
Laoshan District , Qingdao, Shandong 266100, China
Teaching at Undergraduate Level:
CriminalLaw sciences
InternationalCriminal Law
Teaching atGraduate Level:
Economic Criminal Law,
Studyon Special Issues of General Criminal Law
Environmental Crime andCriminal Law
Professor of Law, Dalian University
1997-2005 10 Xuefu Main Street, #Department of Law
Dalian University, Economic&Technological
Development Zone
Dalian,Liaoning116622, China
Teaching Assistant,
Lecturer, Jilin Teachers’ University
1977-1980, 1301Haifeng Main Street, Jilin Teachers’University
1981-1986 Siping, Jilin 136000,China
Research Interests:
Areas of research:
criminal law of China, intellectual property law,international criminal law
Research Sponsored:
1. Research Projects Sponsored by National SocialScience Fund of China
Research onPunishing and to Prevent the Crimes Violating Intellectual Property
---Punishingand to Prevent the Crimes of Violating Patent System
(project number: 09BFX067, since2009)
2. Research Projects Sponsored by Dalian University
Study on Protecting of Patent Right System by Means ofCriminal Law
3. Research Sponsored by Research Center on theDevelopment of Marine of China
Study on the legal strategyagainst Somali Pirates
---In thePerspective of International Criminal Law
(project number: AOCOUC201002, since2010)
The UN Security Council Resolution on April 27, 2011 / TheObservations
andRecommendations by the Researcher
Since June 2009,the researcher has published 3 articles one after another, in a perspective ofinternational criminal law, and made the following observations andrecommendations:“I suggest that the international communityestablishes Special International Criminal Tribunal against Pirates, whichdirectly accepts the Pirate-suspects prosecuted.” Searching theinformation on Chinese Periodical Full-text Database of 10 years, theresearcher is the first one in China that has published articles and made theobservations and recommendations .
The UN SecurityCouncil said: in 2011, "on the meeting on April 27 on Somali piracy, aresolution has been passed unanimously, which calls on Member States toconsider the issue of prosecuting Somali pirates in the sea near, and requestedthe Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to make a report on the possibilities toestablish national court, the regional or international special court.”
Main Publications:
①Yu, Fumin.Study on Protecting Patent System
by penal means and Criminal Procedure.
Beijing: Social SciencesDocumentation Publishing House.2005.9.
②Yu, Fumin (editor). CriminalLaw Interpretation Textbook.
Beijing: SciencesPublishing House.2008.7.Edition.2012(1).
③Yu, Fumin;Xia, Yishu. TheConcept of Crime: Confusion and Reconstruction.
Beijing: China LawScience. 2005(2).
④Yu, Fumin. How ProtectingPatent System by penal means in China.
Incheon (Korea):LawStudy.volume10(2). JUN2007.
⑤Yu,Fumin. The Development of Theory of theInternal Structure of Crime in China.
Qingdao:Journal of China Ocean University·SocialSciencesEdition.
2010special issue.
⑥Yu,Fumin. On the Object of the Crimes ofCounterfeiting a Patent.
Beijing:Criminal Law Journal of China.2004(4).
⑦ Yu, Fumin. Protecting Patent Right System by Means of Criminal Law:
Retrospect and Prospect.Qingdao: Journal of China OceanUniversity·Social Science
⑧ Yu, Fumin. Criminal Jurisdiction and InternationalAction against Pirates.
Beijing: ProcuratorialDaily. June 29, 2009.
⑨ Yu, Fumin. On Legal Countermeasures against theContemporary Pirates
--- at the Perspective byChina's Criminal Law and International Criminal Law.
Jinan: journal ofShandong Police College.2011(5).
⑩ Yu, Fumin. On Witness and Guarantee on Contracts of Purchase andSales.
Beijing:Chinese Lawyer.1993(4).
Executive Member of China Societyof Criminology
Legal Adviser forBeijing Jing-Han Law Firm
Legal Adviser for Dalian City Government, Liaoning Province, China