Name:Huirong Liu
Title: Professor
Position:Vice Dean of School ofLaw & Political Science
Email: liuhr@ouc.edu.cn
Education:science of law , Bachelor of law
the theory of legal thoughts,Master of law
environmental and natural resources law, Doctor of law
Teaching: InternationalEnvironmental Law, International Economic Law, Legislation Law
Research Interests: InternationalEnvironmental Law, International Economic Law, Legislative Science
Recent academic publications:
(1) A Study on the Legal Regulation of AntarcticBioprospecting under the System of International Law, Journal of OceanUniversity of China (Social Sciences), 2012(4).
(2) Analysis and Prospects of Legal Path in ArcticEnvironmental Governance, Journal of Ocean University of China (SocialSciences), 2011(2).
(3) Polar Research from the Perspective of LegalProtection of China’s Maritime Rights and Interests, Journal of OceanUniversity of China (Social Sciences), 2010(5).
(4) A Study on the Application of Article 234 of UNCLOSto the Arctic Marine Environmental Protection, Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences), 2010(4).
(5) TheLegal Status and Use of Deep—Sea Genetic Resources beyond NationalJurisdiction, Legal Forum, 2009(4).
(6)Special Protection Areas:ANew Perspective on High Seas Biodiversity, Journal of the East China Universityof Politics & Law, 2009(5).