Name: Haiying Liu
Titile: Associate Professor, Master Tutor.
Education:She got bachelor's degree and master's degree in Mathematics Respectivelyin 2000 and 2003 in Yunnan University. She was conducting research as advancedresearch scholar in Economics of Wuhan University(2003-2004) and was a doctoralof public project organization and management of Southwest Jiaotong Universityin 2007.
Teaching: She taught public finance, public economics, welfare economics,tax theoryand practice, financial management in public organisations, social securityfund management and actuarial science of insurance for both graduate studentsand undergraduates.
Research Interests:Dr. Liu Main research direction contains public finance, Tax System Optimization,Risk and Assurance etc .She have conducted and is conducting about 19 researchprojects such as National Natural Science Foundation of China as projectprincipal or main researcher.
Publications:She had published“AStudy on fiscal relations of local government” by China Financial&EconomicPblishing House published and published a series of papers in leadingjournals such as Guangming Daily, China Population, Resources and Environment,Public Finance Research, Statistics and Decision and Ann.of diff.Eqs ,etc..