1.Name: Zhenjiao Yang
2.Gender: Female
4.ProfessionalTitle:Associate Professor
6.Tel: 86+532 66781857
7.Fax: 86+532 66781851
8.Email: yangzhenjiao@yahoo.com.cn
9.Researchfields: Environment Policy, Sea Management
10.Major research program undertaken or accomplished:
(1)Studyon the System of the Social Participation in Emergency Management in ChineseOcean Environment—based on the example of enteromorpha in Qingdao Sea Waters
(2)RelativeSolutions under the Conditions of the International Oceanic Ecological Security
(3)Utilizationand Research that Case Analysis used in Public Management Major
(4)Study on Blue Economic ZoneOceanic Ecological Security in Shangdong Peninsula and Relative Solutions
(5)the Theoretical Basis and Realization Way on Strengthening China's Substantial Participation in ArcticRegions
(6)A Research of the Governance Mode for National Marine EcologicalSecurity in China
(7)the Arctic Eological Security and China’s National Security
11. Recent academic publications:
(1)YangZhenjiao, Niu Fangyu. Historical changes based on Human Nature and the Reconstructionof Managerial Theory. Social Science Journal,2009,6vol.
(2)Yang Zhenjiao, Lv Jianhua. Management ofSupervision in Dumping the Wastes into the Ocean in China. PacificJournal,2009,4vol.
(3)Yang Zhenjiao, Tang Limin, Zhan Qi.Problems. andReasons of the International Oceanic Ecological Security. Chinese FisheryEconomics,2010,5vol.
(4)Yang Zhenjiao.Problems and Solutions on the EmergencyManagement in Chinese Ocean Environment. Ocean Development andManagement,2010,5vol.
(5)Yang Zhenjiao, Zhou Meng. International Vision ofthe Marine Ecological Security and its Influences on National Security. PacificJournal,2010,12vol.
(6)Yang Zhenjiao, Cui Jun. the Arcticecological security impact on national security of China and coping strategy.Marine Environmental Science.2013.4vol.
(7)YangZhenjiao, Dong Hainan. A Research of MultipleSubjects Participation and Governance Mode for National Marine Ecological Securityin China. Marine EnvironmentalScience.2014.1vol.
(8)YangZhenjiao, Zeng Qingli. A Research of the Policy System on the National Marine Ecological Security in China. Ocean Development and Management,2014,6vol.