Zhao Zongjin
Instituteof Sociology
Schoolof Law and Politics
OceanUniversity of China
238Songling Road
lPh.D Jilin University(Changchun, China), Psychology (2008)
lM.S. Jilin University(Changchun, China), Psychology (2004)
lB.A.E. Qufu Normal University(Jining, China),Education(2001)
lAssociate Professor ofSociology, Ocean University of China (Qingdao, China) (2009-present)
lDean of Laboratory of SocialInvestigation and Statistics (LSIS), Ocean University of China (Qingdao, China)(2011-present)
lLecture of Psychology,Department of Psychology, Jilin University (Changchun, China) (2004 -2008)
lCommittee member, OccupationalHealth Promotion Committee of China (OHPCC) (2011- present)
lCouncil Member and DeputySecretary-General, the Chinese Maritime Sociological Association (CMSA)(2010-present)
lConsultant and Lecture,National Talents Center of MOHRSS (2006-present)
lCouncil Member and DeputySecretary-General, the Sociological Association of Shandong Province
ARTICLES (2006-present)
[1]ZHAOZong-jin, Wang Xiao-fang, Song Wen-hong. The Research of College Students' DeepLearning Level and Related Factors. Educational Research and Experiment,2013,01.
[2]ZHAOZong-jin, YIN Yong-chao. Analysis of History Vicissitude and Type of MarineAwareness in China. Journal of Linyi University, 2012,04.
[3]ZHAOZongjin. From Environmental Citizen to Marine Citizen: A Research on IndividualResponsibility in Marine Environmental Protection. Journal of NanjingUniversity of Technology(Social Science Edition),2012,02.
[4]ZHAOZongjin. A Study of Marine Environmental Awareness. Journal of Ocean Universityof China(Social Sciences),2011,05.
[5]ZHAOZongjin, CUI Feng. New Progress of Chinese Maritime Sociology Research:Reviewon the Inaugural Meeting of Maritime Sociology Committee and the First Forum ofMaritime Sociology. Journal of Hohai University(Philosophy and SocialSciences),2011,01.
[6]ZHAOZongjin. The research of Human-Sea Relations in Marine Awareness[A].environmentand human psychology .Beijing: central compilation &Translation Press, 2011.
[7]ZHAOZongjin. Human-Sea Relations and the Construction of Modern Marine Awareness.Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences),2011,01.
[8]ZHAOZongjin, Li Zhaoliang . The research of old people image based on KAOP scale. Journal of OceanUniversity of China(Social Sciences),2011(s1).
[9]LiZhaoliang, Zhao Zongjin et al. Research on the Relationship between Forgivenessand Interpersonal Disturbance among College Students . Medicine andSociety,2010,08.
[10]ZhaoZongjin, Zhao Jianpeng et al. The Earth Is Very Angry, The Result Is VerySerious. Openings, 2011(11).
[11]ZhaoZongjin, Ding Dongming et al. Providing Well for the Elderly . Openings,2011(08).
[12]ZhaoZongjin. Harbor Construction and Urban Development . Openings, 2011(05).
[13]ZhaoZongjin."The Enthusiasm of National Examination" and Fever. Openings,2011(02).
[14]ZhaoZongjin. Thoughts on the social problem"Leftover Men and Ladies".Openings, 2010(32).
[15]ZhaoZongjin, Cui Feng. play the communist youth league functions, strengthen themanagement of public opinion. Qingdao youth research,2010(3)
[16]ZhaoZongjin, Cui Feng. New Progress of Chinese Maritime Sociology Research:Reviewon the Inaugural Meeting of Maritime Sociology Committee and the First Forum ofMaritime Sociology. Journal of Hohai University(Philosophy and SocialSciences), 2011(01).
[17]ZhaoZongjin. The objectivity of metaphor and consciousness. Social Science Research,,2008(01).
[18]FangXiuchong, Chi Hua, Jiang Zhiqiang, Zhao Zongjin et al. Experimental study onreliving college students’ depression by painless jogging,basketball and tabletennis. Journal of Jilin Institute of Physical Education,2008(05).
[19]ZhaoZongjin. From “Soul” to “Psychology” ——the Relationship Between the Methodologyand the Research Subject of Psychology. Journal of Jinyang, 2007 (3)
[20]CHEWen-bo, ZHAO Zong-jin. A New Perspective of the Perception Theory of AncientArab. Journal of Ningbo University,2008(3).
[21]ZhaoZongjin. Approaches from Research of Metaphor to Psychology. Journal of Inner Mongolia University forNationalities, 2006 (1).
[22]ZhaoZongjin. The Openness of the Meaning of a Metaphor, Social Science Research. 2006(1).
[1]ZhaoZongjin.(ed.) Environment and HumanPsychology. Beijing: Central Compilation & Translation Press, 2011.
[2]WangJianhui, Zhao Zongjin. The EmotionalControl Technique .China Women Publishing House,2011.
[3]ZhaoZongjin. Fromm’s Review on Art.Changchun: Jilin Fine Arts Press, 2007.
[4]ZhaoZongjin. Jung’s Review on art.Changchun: Jilin Fine Arts Press, 2007.
[1]ZhaoZongjin et al. The socialization of Youth work team. The Qingdao Youth Leagueconsulting report. October 2011.
[2]ZhaoZongjin, Cui Feng, Wubin, Wanggang. play the communist youth league functions, strengthenthe management of public opinion. The Qingdao Youth League consultingreport.October 2010.
[3]CuiFeng, Zhao Zongjin. The research of population and social developmentrelations. The bidding project ofQingdao bureau of statistics. December 2011.
[4]CuiFeng, Zhao Zongjin. Population cultureand cultural construction research in Qingdao. The bidding project of Qingdaopopulation family planning. December 2011.
[5]CuiFeng, Zhao Zongjin et al. Qingdao national older sister city construction andevaluation index system(trial implementation). Qingdao Committee on Agingconsulting report. February 2010.
[1]“MarineAwareness in China and its Constructing Research”(11CSH034),NPOPSS, 2011-2014
[2]“TheStudy of the Socialization of Youth Work Team”(201103A1506).The Communist Youth League and the Youth Work Research Project, 2011
[3]“TheStudy of Youth Work Team”(2011-T01). The Annual Key Projectof Qingdao Youth League, 2011
[4]“TheComparative Analysis of American and Chinese Public Administration Curriculum Settings“ (2010JY17) , from OUC, 2010-2012.
[5]“Onthe Four Functions of the Communist Youth League”(2010-T01). The Annual KeyProject of Qingdao Committee of theYouth League, 2010
[6]“TheConstruction of Age-friendly Cities”, from Qingdao City Government, 2009-2010
[7]“Researchon the Life Quality of the Old People in Qingdao”, from Qingdao CityGovernment, 2009-2010
[8]“Personalityand Social Ability Development of the Infant”, from Education Department ofJilin Province, 2006-2008.
[9]“MetaphoricPsychological Linguistics Research”. The Project of Himalayan Research and DevelopmentFund (Taiwan), 2005-2006
[10]“PsychologicalMetaphor and Metaphoric Psychology”(2005QN006 ). The Project of Social Science Researchin Jilin University .2005-2007
[1]“TheResearch Ecological Culture Construction in Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone”(2011257). The Annual Key Project of Shandong Art Science, 2011 -2012
[2]“Researchin Justice at the Period of Social Transition“ (08CFX001). NPOPSS,2008-2012
[3]“Researchon the Harmonious Development of Human Capital and Social Capital in Northeastold Iindustrial Base at the Period of Social Transition” (07CSH025) , NPOPSS,2007-2011
[4]“PsychologicalResearch on Ecological Civilization and Environment-friendly Society” (08JCXLX006), MOP, 2008-2011
[5]“TheResearch on the Effects of Interpersonal Forgiveness to College Students' Psychological Health”. The Social Science Projectof Jilin Province, 2008-2010
[6]“Mingand Qing Dynasties Folk Marine organization Evolution “ (AOCQN200921). Projectof China Ocean Development Research Center , 2009-2010
[7]“TheDevelopment History and Research Trend of Foreign Marine sociology” (AOCQN200920).. Project of China Ocean Development Research Center , 2009-2010
[8]“TheDiscussion of the International Marine Ecological Security Problems and Countermeasures”(AOCQN200919) . Project of China Ocean Development Research Center , 2009-2010