Name: MAXueguang
Sex: Male
School: Departmentof Public Administration
MA Xueguang,Associate Professor, supervisor of postgraduate, member of the Geographic Societyof China, Ph.D of Sun Yat-sen University, Post-doc of Peking University, VisitingScholar of Cardiff University of U.K, researching on city and regional planning,maritime land resource management and spatial sociology.
Education Background
[1]1998.9-2002.6,School of Mechanical Engineeringin Shandong Institute of Technology, got Bachelor Degree of Engineering
[2]2003.9-2008.6,School of Geography Science andPlanning, Sun Yat-sen University, got Doctor Degree of Science
[3]2007.8-2008.3,School of City and RegionalPlanning of Cardiff University, United Kingdom, Visiting Scholar
Work Experience
[1]2008.7-2008.12, School of Urban and Environment, Peking University, ResearchingAssistant
[2]2009.1-2011.6, School of Urban and Environment, Peking University, Post-docFellow
[3]2010.3-2011.3, School of City and Regional Planning of Cardiff University,United Kingdom, Visiting Scholar
[4]2011.7-2012.10, School of Urban Planning and Design, Peking University, ResearchFellow Assistant, Associate Research Fellow
[5]2012.10-,School of Law and Politics Science,Ocean University of China, Lecture, Associate Professor
Teaching Courses
[1] For UndergraduateStudents: (1) Public Service Administration, (2) Urban Management
[2] ForPostgraduate Students: (1) Land Economy, (2) Readings on Public Administration
Academic Funding
Chaired 5 items of academic foundations,including National Natural Science Foundation of China, China PostdoctoralScience Foundation, Scientific Research Starting Foundation for ReturnedOversea Chinese Scholars by Ministry of Education of China, Soft Science ResearchProject of Shandong Province, Initial Research Foundation by Ocean Universityof China.
[1] NationalNatural Science Foundation for Young Scientists (Grant No.:41001091): Study onthe Driving Mechanism of Land Use Spatial Restructuring in Urban-rural FringeBased on Space Production Theory.
[2] ChinaPostdoctoral Science Fund (Grant No.: 20090450220): Study on SynergeticGovernance Mechanism of Urban Land Redevelopment.
[3] Soft ScienceResearch Project of Shandong Province (Grant No.: 2013RKE29002), Research on Relationbetween Spatial Structure and Spatial Policy in Blue Economic Zone of Shandong Peninsula.
[4] ScientificResearch Starting Foundation for Returned Oversea Chinese Scholars by Ministryof Education of China, Research on Quantitative Measurement of Spatial Polycentricityof City Region: a Case of the Pearl River Delta.
[5] InitialResearch Foundation by Ocean University of China (Grant No.: 201311001): Researchon Theory and Method of Maritime Land Resource Management.
Participate in 5 items of academicfoundation, including Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, The 12 Five-year Plan National Science and Technology Support Program, NaturalScience Foundation of Guangdong Province, Fundamental Research Funds of Ocean Universityof China, Double Hundreds(Let a Hundred Flowers Blossom and a Hundred Schoolsof Thought Contend) Survey Project of Qingdao City.
[1] KeyProgram of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.40830747):Study on Eco-environment Effect of Regional Urbanization and Regulation MechanismBased on Functional Network: the Case of Greater Pearl River Delta.
[2] GuangdongNatural Science Fund (Grant No. 04009786): Study on Local GovernmentCoordination across Boundaries in Pearl River Delta.
[3] The 12Five-year Plan National Science and Technology Support Program (Grant No. 2012BAJ22B05),Research on Spatial Planning Techniques of Village-town Area.
[4] FundamentalResearch Funds of Ocean University of China, Research on South China Sea Affairsin the View of Land Resource Management.
[5] DoubleHundreds Survey Project of Qingdao City, Research on Local Legislative Mechanismof Maritime Environment Production of Qingdao City.
Scientific Research Items forLocal Development
Scientific Research Projects for Departmentof Construction of Guangdong Province
[1]2010.1-2010.3,TheTwelfth Five-year Plan of Guangdong Urbanization, authorized by Guangdong ProvinceHousing and Urban-rural Construction Department.
[2]2009.12-2010.4,Study on Urbanization and Growth of Internal Demand of Guangdong province,authorized by Guangdong Province Housing and Urban-rural ConstructionDepartment.
[3]2009.5-2010.10,Investigationand planning of Collaborate Construction of High Quality Life Circle amongGuangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, authorized by Guangdong Province Housing andUrban-rural Construction Department.
[4]2009.2-2010.5,the fifth special subject of Coordinated Development Planning of the GreaterPearl River Delta City Region. Authorized by Guangdong Province Housing andUrban-rural Construction Department, and Land, Public Works and TransportBureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic ofChina.
Some Scientific Research projects for LocalMunicipal Governments of Guangdong province
[1]2008.8-2009.3,the Investigation and Evaluation of Shenzhen Territorial Resources. Authorizedby Territorial Resources and Housing Management Bureau of Shenzhen City.
[2]2006.5-2007.3,CommunityPlanning for Ailian Community of Shenzhen City, authorized by Shenzhen Bureauof City Planning.
[3]2005.6-2005.12,Annul Urban Land Providing Plans (2006) of Shenzhen City, authorized byShenzhen Bbureau of City Planning.
[4]2008.4-2008.7,TheInvestigation of Intensive Land Use and Industrial Development of TianheDistrict, Guangzhou City, authorized by Territorial Resources and HousingManagement Bureau of Tianhe District, Guangzhou City.
[5]2007.3-2007.10,Evaluationof Intensive Land Use Potential of Economic and Technology Development Zone ofGuangzhou City, authorized by Land Use Planning Formation Center of Guangzhou City.
[6]2005.7-2007.7,Research on Urban Land Zoning and Regulation for Guangzhou City, authorized byTerritorial Resources and Housing Management Bureau of Guangzhou City.
[7]2008.3-2008.9,TheInvestigation and Optimization of Intensive Land Use of Industrial Park inDongguan City authorized by Science and Technology Bureau of Dongguan City.
[8]2004.9-2005.5,Research on Industrial Cluster and Township Development of Zhongshan City,authorized by Development and Reform Bureau of Zhongshan City.
[9]2004.9-2005.5,Research on Township Coordination and Network Development of Zhongshan City, authorizedby Development and Reform Bureau of Zhongshan City.
[10]2005.10-2006.7,Important Municipal Construct Planning of Zhongshan city, authorized byDevelopment and Reform Bureau of Zhongshan City.
[11]2004.5-2005.8,TownshipSystem Planning of Dapu County, Meizhou City, authorized by Construction Bureauof Meizhou City.
[12]2004.5-2005.8,Comprehensive Planning of Sanhe Township, Dapu County, Meizhou City, authorizedby Sanhe Town Government.
[1]Wang Enyong.Human Geography. Higher Education Press, 2014.
[2]Ma Xueguang.SpatialProduction and Land Use Conflicts in Urban-rural Fringe. Peking University Press,2013.
Academic Papers
[1]MaXueguang. Study on Multi-stakeholders Governance of Institutional Eco-space inMetropolitan Urban-rural Fringe: In the View of Policy Network [J].Geographical Research, 2011, 31(8):1215- 1226.
[2]MaXueguang. Study on the Social Production of Unit-system Urban Space: a Case ofGuangzhou City. Economic Geography, 2010, 30(9):1456-1461.
[3]MaXueguang. Study on the Social Production of Villages in City and TheirGovernance Mechanics: a Case of Haizhu District of Guangzhou City. UrbanStudies, 2010, 17(1):126-133.
[4]MaXueguang. Study on Land Acquisition Conflicts during the Social-SpatialTransformation Process in Urban-Rural Fringe [J].Planner, 2011, 27(3):61-65.
[5]MaXueguang. Review on the Study of Driving Mechanism in Urban-rural FringeSpatial Reconstruction. Special Zone Economy, 2012(10):251-254.
[6]MaXueguang. Study on the Networking Governance of City-region Growth under theViewpoint of Political Economy. Urban Problems, 2011(8):72-75.
[7]MaXueguang, Li Guicai. Progress and Application Practice in Western City NetworkStudies [J].Urban Planning International, 2012, 27(4):65-70,101.
[8]MaXueguang, Li Guicai. Study on Empirical Methods about World City Network withRelational Perspective. Progress in Geographical science, 2012, 31(2): 255-263.
[9]MaXueguang, Li Guicai. Progress and Application Practice in European PolycentricCity Region Studies. Scientia Geographica Sinnca, 2011, 31(12): 1423-1429.
[10]MaXueguang, Li Guicai. Study on World City Network Theory within Global Space ofFlow. Economic Geography, 2011, 31 (10):1630-1637.
[11]MaXueguang.Study on Regional Governance across Boundaries by Inter-governmentalCooperation: a Case of the West Bank of the Greater Pearl River Delta. UrbanInsight, 2012, 21(5): 105-116.
[12]MaXueguang, LI Guicai. Study on Regional Integration across Boundaries under theEconomic Circle Strategy: a Case of the West Bank of the Greater Pearl RiverDelta. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2012, 27 (6):62-67, 80.
[13]MaXueguang, Wang Aimin. Study on the Characteristics and Regulatory Approaches ofProperty Oriented Economy of Transitional Community in the Pearl River Delta.Economic Geography, 2011, 31(5):773-780.
[14]MaXueguang, Wang Aimin, Yan Xiaopei. Study on the Evolution of Urban SpaceProduction Patterns Based on Growth Network: the Transitional Process fromPlanned Economy to Socialism Market Economy. Economic Geography, 2009, 29(11):1827-1832.
[15]MaXueguang, Wang Aimin, Yan Xiaopei. Study on Land Use Conflicts during UrbanSpatial Reconstruction Process: a Case of Guangzhou City. Human Geography,2010, 25(3):72-77.
[16]MaXueguang, Wang Aimin, Yan Xiaopei. Study on the Social Production of UrbanResidential Space in the Transitional Stage: a Case of Guangzhou City. ActaScientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 2010, 49(5):122-127.
[17]MaXueguang, Wang Aimin, Yan Xiaopei. Study on Urban Spatial ResourcesConfiguration: A Viewpoint of Power. Planners, 2008, 24(1):77-82.
[18]MaXueguang,Wang Aimin,Yan Xiaopei, From Decentralizationto Governance across boundary: Study on the Transformation of Local GovernmentGovernance Methods in China. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2008, 24(1):49-55.
[19]MaXueguang, Wang Ai-min, Li Hongyan, Study on Local Government Governance acrossBoundary in Town-cluster Regions: A Case of Zhongzhan City. Tropical Geography,2008, 28(2): 144-149.
[20]WangAimin, Ma Xueguang, Yan Xiaopei. Land Use Conflicts and Their GovernanceMechanics on Actors Network Theory: a Case of Fruit Tree Protection Zone ofHaizhu District, Guangzhou City. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2010,30(1):80-85.
[21]WangAi-min, Ma Xueguang, Chen Shurong. Study on the Harmonization ofTrans-districts in Terrains of Districts Boundary. Geography andGeo-Information Science, 2007, 23(5):56-61.
[22]WangAimin, Chen Shurong, Ma Xueguang. Review of the Research on Marginal Region andMarginal Process Overseas. Advance in Earth Science, 2007, 22(2):24-31.
[23]Yelei, Ma Xueguang. Review and Prospect on the Synergy Governance Mechanics ofUrban Land Redevelopment in the Social and Economic Transitional Period.Planner, 2010, 26(10):103-107.
[24]Yelei, Ma Xueguang. Study on Optimized Approaches of Urban Villages in Shenzhen City.Special Zone Economy, 2010, 26(4):16-19.
[25]CHEN Wei- jin,MA Xue - guang,CAI Li - li,LUANXiao - fan,LI Gui - cai. Characteristics ofRegional City Connection’sSpatial Pattern Based on Intercity Passenger Traffic Flow in Pearl River Delta.Economic Geography, 2013, 33(4):48-53.
[26]CAILi - li,MA Xue - guang,CHEN Wei - jin,LUANXiao - fan,LI Gui - cai. Characteristics ofFunctional Polycentricity of PRD Urban Region Based on Passenger Traffic Flow. EconomicGeography, 2013, 33(11):52-57.
[27]LIN Xiong-bin, MA Xue-guang, LI Gui-cai. Estimating Land Use Intensity Features for PearlRiver Delta Urban Agglomeration Using AHP Method. China Population, Resourcesand Environment, 2013, 23 (11):134-137.
[28]JIANGWenjin,CHEN Keshi,MA Xueguang.Study on the Spatial Productionof Urban Renewal in China: A Case of Shanghai Xintiandi Square. Urban Studies,2011, 18(10):84-89.
[29]ZhangJingyuan, Chen Weijin, Ma Xueguang, Zeng Hui.Research on Path to theConstruction of Livable City Based on Eco2: A Case Study of Zhuhai, China. UrbanPlanning International, 2013, 28(3):46-54.
[30]MAXueguang. Dilemmas between the Protection of Lung and Stomach: Land UseConflicts in Rapid Urbanization Process of Pearl River Delta [C]. Edited byJiayuan Wang, Zhikun Ding, Liang Zou, Jian Zuo. Proceedings of the 17th InternationalSymposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, SpringerBerlin Heidelberg, 2014.
[31]Cai Lili, Chen Weijin, Ma Xueguang. Study on Functional Polycentricity of PearlRiver Delta Based on Passenger Traffic Flow. The International Conference onSpatial & Social Transformation in Urban China, 13-14 Dec 2012 Hong Kong.
Social Service
Member ofGeographical Society of China, Discussant of National Natural Science Foundationof China, Outstanding Tutor of Peking University, Oversea Scholar of Shenzhen City,Higher Level Professional Talents of Shenzhen City.
Reviewerfor some academic journals, for example, Geographical Research, Progress in GeographicalScience, Geography and Geo-information Science, Modern Urban Research