Name: GengAi-sheng
Titile:PHD; Master Tutor
Zhejiang University of China, Doctor ofMedicine,2001.9-2004.7
WeiFang Medical College of China, Master ofMedicine, 1998.9-2001.7
Teaching: Social Security ; International Comparison of social security; Socialsurvey
ResearchInterests: Public health policy; social securityand health protection
1. Analysis of the impact offlexible employment on the health status of migrant workers. Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Science).2014
2.Study on the influence of evolution ofsocial capital investment policy in health field.
Chinese Journal of hospital administration.2011.
3.Research on Health Risk of MigrantWorkers in the Process of Urbanization and Its Solutions. Journal of NanjingUniversity of Technology(Social Science Edition),2011
4.Research on Reasons,Impacts of Re-participation DuringImplementation of New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and Counter measures. Journalof Qingdao Agricultural University(Social Science).2012.
5. Research on Fishermen Transition underthe Framework of Marine Fishery Transition. Journal of Anhui Agri.Sci.2012.
6. Study on Key ProbIems of Re-ParticipationDuring the Construction of Social Medical Insurance for Migrant Workers.Journal of Zhanjiang Normal University,2012.
1. Methods of social survey.2014
2. Research on welfare effect of marinepolicy.2014