Professor, MA Student Advisor
Director ofDepartment of Political science and Administration, School of Law and Politics,Ocean University of China
Tel: (0532) 66781632
E-mail: qinyanhong@ouc.edu.cn
Qin Yanhong, born in 1957, received theBachelor degree in philosophy from Shangdong University in 1982. She hasengaged in the work of Party and administrative management in Ocean Universityof China for many years. She is dean of Department of Political science andAdministration since 2010.
Main Courses
The History of Western PoliticalThought, Contemporary Western Political Thought, Special Topics of History ofWestern Political Thought
Research Field
Political theory, environmentalpolitics
Main editor/ editor of more than 10books and textbooks
Published more than 10 papers
2009 2nd Prize, NationalTeaching Achievement Award
2009 1stPrize, Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, Shandong Province
2008 1stPrize, Teaching Achievement Award, Ocean University of China
2007 1stPrize, Teaching Achievement Award, Ocean University of China