CAO Wenzhen

Date of Birth: November 2,1965

MaritalStatus: Married ,one daughter


- Professor, School ofLaw And Politics, Ocean University of China.

Address &Phone Numbers:

238, SonglingRoad,Qingdao City,Shandong Province,PRC. School of law and politics, OceanUniversity of China.

Postcode: 266100

Tel: 86-0532-66787295


fax: 86-0532-85901851


- Doctor in Law,School of Politics and Public Administration ,Shandong University, 2001.6

- Master in Law,School of Politics and Public Administration ,Shandong University, 1996.12

- Bachelor in law,School of Politics and Public Administration ,Shandong University, 1988.6

Areas ofTeaching and Research Interests:

- Theories ofinternational politics, both undergraduate and graduate levels

- ComparativeConstitutionalism Institutions, both undergraduate and graduate levels

- Theories ofEconomic Globalization, both undergraduate and graduate levels

- International oceanpolitics, graduate students.


·Associate professor,lecturer, School of Politics and Public Administration ,ShandongUniversity,1988-2001.

·Visiting professor,School of Public Administration at Seoul National University, Korea, 2005-2006.

·Visiting professor,East Asian Department and Government department, Colby College, USA.



1Investigation onvillage economy, <Contemporary World>[J], 1990.4.

2Comparative researchon China and Russia reform, <Contemporary World>[J], 1991.4

3Route to Chinesedemocracy, <Contemporary World>[J], 1993.3

4Problems and reformof Chinese administration, <Dongyue Luncong>[J], 1995.3

5Exploring the routeto anticorruption in the new period, <Shandong Social Science>[J], 1996.4

6Problems and reformin Chinese state owned enterprises, <Economic Management>[J],1997.2

7Exploring the rootsof USSR and Eastern Europe Upheanals, <Contemporary World>[J], 1998.3

8Three theory problemson state owned enterprises, <Socialism Problems in the ContemporaryWorld>[J], 1998.4

9New words cannotsolve the old problems, <Social Science Newspaper>, 11.19.1998

10Shocking by the sightof frontispiece report, ,<Chinese Youth Daily>, 9.15.1999

11Constructingnew-stile relationship between teachers and students, <Sandong UniversityTransaction>[J], 1999.2

12The core of diathesisis innovation, <Socialism Problems in the Contemporary World>[J], 1999.4

13New exploration forsocialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, <Sandong UniversityTransaction>[J], 1999.1

14Superficial analysisto Chinese anticorruption difficulties, <Center Socialism CollegeTransaction>[J], 2000.11

15Why is so difficultto anticorruption in China <Scientific Socialism>[J],2000.2

16Europe integration inthe tidal wave of economic globalization, <Developing EU>[M], Shandongpeople’ press,2000.

17Comparative researchon economic reform between China and Russia, <economic and political reform and their foreign policy ofChina and Russia>[M], Shandong friendship press, 2000.

18Suspending one’schooling to carve out is not suitable to advocate at large, <Chinese Youthdaily>, 1.4.2000.

19From Germanyunification to Korea, <China and Korea international conference papercollection>[M], 2000.

20Controversy oneconomic globalization,<World Economy and Politics>[J], 2001.8

21New changes ofcapitalism in the economic globalization times, <World Economy andPolitics>[J], 2001.9

22Different meanings ofeconomic globalization, <Thoughts in the Contemporary Era>[J], 2002.1

23New development ofrelationship between the two kinds of systems in the economic globalizationtimes, <Socialism Study>[J], 2002.6

24Government and marketin the economic globalization times, <Qingdao Newspaper>, 6.17.2002

25Challenges ofeconomic globalization to China, <Scientific Socialism>[J], 2002.3

26Economicglobalization bringing developing opportunities to China, <Shengli YoutianTransaction>[J], 2002.5

27Contending on humanrights in the economic globalization times, <Wenshizhe>[J],2003.3

28Challenges ofeconomic globalization to Chinese sovereignty, <Ocean University of ChinaTransaction>[J], 2003.1

29Oppugning thatabsolute power result in absolute corruption, <Haida law review>[M],2002.

30Judgement under thesunshine, <Jinan University Transaction>[J], 2004.3

31Challenges ofeconomic globalization to Chinese strategy of prospering country throughsci-tec, <Haida law review>[M], 2004.

32Sino-US relationshipin the era of globalization, <International Studies>[J],2005.2

33US foreign policy ofpresident G. W. Bush administration, <International Studies>[J],2006.4

34North and South Korearelationship and unification, <North-east Asia studies>[J],2007.6

35US and Japaneserelationship development, <World Politics and Economy>[J],2008.3

36US ocean policy andstrategy, <Strategy and Management>[J],2008.4

37New president andchanges of foreign policy of US, <International politics>[J],2009.2

38The fundamentalcontradiction of global monopoly capitalism from the view of financialcrisis,<Research on Socialism>,[J],2010.1.

39Analysis on climatechange politics,<Pacific Journal>, [J],2010.11.

40China and USA oceanpolitics and strategy in the era of globalization, <Pacific Journal>,[J],2010.12.


41“Comparativeconstitution”(2005)[M], Ocean University of China Press.

42“Problems and Answersto Economic Globalization”(2003)[M], Ocean University of China Press.

43“Ocean Politics inthe Times of Economic Globalization”(2006)[M], Ocean University of China Press.

44“InternationalPolitics”(2009)[M],World Today Press.

45“US foreign policyand politics”(2010)[M],World Knowledge Press.

Cooperation works:

46“Globalization andnew economy” [M], Development Press of China, 2002.

47“Research on exammodes in university” [M], Qingdao Press, 2003.

48“haida law review”[M] , Jilin peoples’ Press, 2002,2003.

49“Biography of worldfamous diplomatists” [M], Shandong People’ Press,2000.

50“Socialism problemsin the contemporary world “[J], 1988-1993.

Scientific Research Tasks:

51Research on theRelationship Between the Two Kinds of Systems in the Economic GlobalizationTimes, Shandong provence. 2002-2003.

52ContradictionAnalysis in the Times of Economic Globalization, Shandong EducationOffice,2002-2003.

53ComparativeConstitutionalism Institutions, Ocean University of China, 2003-2004.

54Ocean Politics in theTimes of Economic Globalization, Education Minister of China.2004-2006

55Comparative Researchon Economic and Political Reform Between China and Russia, internationalcooperation task, 2000-2005.

56Comparative Researchon Economics, Politics, Culture between China and Korea, internationalcooperation task, 2000-2005.

57Comparative Researchon China-Korea Government Management, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies,2005-2006.

58Ocean Politics in theTimes of Economic Globalization and Chinese ocean strategy, Education Ministryof China,2008-2011.

59US politics andforeign policy, foreign study fundation of China,2010.

60Korea Ocean policyand international cooperation, National ocean minister of China,2009-2011.


61Excellent teachingaward, Shandong University, 2000.

62Excellent teachingaward, Ocean University of China, 2003.

63Excellent socialscience award of Shandong province, two-class, 2002.

64Excellent socialscience award of Qingdao city, two-class, 2002.

65Excellent socialscience award of Education office of shandong province, two-class, 2002.

66Youth science andtechnology award of Qingdao city, 2003.

67Excellent socialscience award of Qingdao city, three-class, 2003.

68Excellent teacheraward, three-class, 2003.

69Excellent socialscience award of Qingdao city, two-class, 2004.

70Excellent socialscience award of Qingdao city, two-class,2007.