
Dr. Ren, Ping

Office: B212 College of Engineering   


2005-2010Virginia Tech, Ph.D.
2004-2005Villanova University, M.S.
1999-2003Ocean University of China, B.E.

Research Interest

Dr. Ren is passionate about advancing research in kinematics, dynamics & control of intelligent robotic systems such as industrial serial/parallel manipulators, mobile robots and novel biologically inspired robots. He is also interested in innovations related to robotics education

Teaching Courses

Linear System Theory, Modern Control Theory


1.Ren,P., Hong, D.W., 2009Triple Stance Phase Displacement Analysis with Redundant and Non-redundant Sensing in a Novel Three-legged Mobile Robot using Parallel Kinematics,ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Issue 4, Vol.1.
2.Ren, P., Hong, D.W., Terpenny, J., and Goff, R., (2010)Bridging Theory and Practice in a Senior Level Robotics Course for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, ASEE Computers in Education Journal, No.4, Vol.XX.
3.Ren, P., Hong, D. W., (2011) Mobility Analysis of a Spoked Walking Machine with Variable Topologies, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Issue 4, Vol.3.
4.Cao, Y., Gosselin, C., Ren, P., Zhou H., (2013) Orientationability Analyses of a Special Class of the Stewart-Gough Parallel Manipulators Using the Unit Quaternion Representation, Advanced Robotics, Issue 2, Vol.27:147-158
5.Cao, Y., Gosselin, C., Ren, P., Zhou H., (2013) Orientation-Singularity Analysis and Orientationability Evaluation of a Special Class of the Stewart-Gough Parallel Manipulators. Robotica, In Press

Research Projects:

1. Dynamics analysis and trajectory tracking control of high-speed Delta parallel robots, Sponsored by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

Research achievements or Awards

1. Best Paper Award,
Novel Tripedal Mobile Robot and Considerations for Gait Planning Strategies Based on Kinematics, 13th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Jeju, Korea, August 21-24, 2007