Guilin Liu
Senior Engineer/Lecturer
Major: Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Department:Ocean Engineering
Address:CollegeofEngineering, OceanUniversity of China, No. 238 Songling road 238, Qingdao.
fax : (0532) 66782909
Phone: (0532) 66782909
Since 2010.10OceanUniversity of China, Harbor, Coastal and OffshoreEngineering, Ph.D. Candidate.
2002.09-2006.06 Russian State HydrometeorologicalUniversity, Oceanography, Master ofScience
OceanUniversity of China, Harbor,Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Mastero fEngineering
1992.08-1996.07Ocean University of Qingdao,Harbor and river regulation engineering, Eng.B.
Research Interest
1.Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering
2.Disaster prevention andmitigation in marine and coastal engineering
Teaching Courses
1.Undergraduate Courses: Hydraulics,Supervisionfor Maritime Engineering
2.Graduatecourse: Engineeringhydrology
Scientific research project
Be in charge of 1 item of National Natural ScienceFoundation project, and 1 Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation projects.Participate in three National Natural Science Foundation projects, one item of National‘863’ project, and one item of NationalScience and Technology Development Plan project. Be in charge of more than 30research projects from industry .
1. Liu Guilin,Ning Meng. Supervision for Port & Waterway Engineering. Ocean University ofChinaPress, 2011, Qingdao.(In Chinese)
2.LiuGuilin, Liu Defu, Li Huajun, Wang Fengqing. Joint Probability Safety Assessmentfor NPP Defense Infrastractures against Extreme External Natural Hazard. ProceedingsInternational Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Chicago, ICAPP12, 2012 .
3.Guilin Liu,Defu Liu, Tianfu Li, Fengqing Wang, Tao Zou. Joint Probability Prediction Modelof Rainfall Triggered Landslides and Debris Flows. Open Journal of Geology,2(2), 2012
4.GuilinLiu, Defu Liu*, Huajun Li, Fengqing Wang, Tao Zou. Discussion on IAEA and ChinaSafety Regulation for NPP Coastal Defense Infrastructures againstTyphoon/Hurricane Attacks. World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2(3),2012 .
5.Liu Defu,Liu Guilin*,Li Huajun,Wang Fengqing. Prediction of Flood Disasters in Yangtze River: Three GorgesDam Project and Estuarine City Shanghai.WSEAS International conference on Water Resources, Hydraulic & Hydrology(WHH'11),2011 .
6.Liu DeFu,Liu Guilin*, Li Huajun. WangFengqing,Risk Assessment of Coastal Defense against Typhoon Attacks forNuclear Power Plant in China.Proceedings of ICAPP2011, Nice France,2011 .
7.Liu Defu , Li Huajun , Liu Guilin* , Wang Fengqing , Zou Tao. Design CodeCalibration of Offshore, Coastal and Hydraulic Energy DevelopmentInfrastructures. International Journal of Energy and Environment,6(5) 2011.