
The College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences is one of the oldest colleges within Ocean University of China, specializing in various marine disciplines with distinct characteristics, together addressing the two central tasks of teaching and research. Built in 1946,the College has trained more than 4,500 undergraduates and nearly 600 masters, doctors and postdoctoral students.Nearly a hundred postdoctoral researchers and scholars have received training here. High-level achievements have been made in the study of basic theory and applied basic marine science research, atmospheric science and environmental science, attracting worldwide attention.

Direction and Orientation: As a leader in the field of physical oceanography in China, our goal is to strengthen professionalism and to take advantage of the co-existing atmospheric and marine disciplines. We are striving to build a research-based college for the purpose of cultivating talents in the field of marine and atmospheric science and to construct a world-leading discipline.

Operating Principles: Our desire is to consolidate the students’ mathematics foundation, strengthen their professional characteristics, and broaden the scope of application with emphasis on practical ability.

Operating Perspective: As the most significant subject in the discipline of marine science, physical oceanography always takes the lead, maintaining core competitiveness. Strengthening atmospheric science and ocean science makes marine meteorology an underestimated force in the meteorological field. In accordance with their aptitude, more than half of all students continue beyond undergraduate study, to become the reserve force for research in physical oceanography and marine meteorology. Students are cultivated and encouraged to develop their talents, especially practical skills as they provide qualified personnel for the community of marine monitoring, environmental protection, resource management and marine meteorology.