OUC and Lomonosov Moscow State University Held a Seminar on Arctic Scientific Collaboration

On May 17, OUC and Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU) held an online seminar to promote in-depth exchanges and collaboration in Arctic research and environmental monitoring of the northern sea routes. Vice-Rector Yuri Mazei of LMSU and Vice President Liu Yong of OUC attended the meeting.

Vice President Liu Yong pointed out that OUC and LMSU share common research interests with great potential for further collaboration. This year marks the centenary of OUC, the 40th anniversary of China’s Polar Expedition and the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. It is hoped that the collaboration between the two sides in scientific research, academic exchanges and talent cultivation could be further promoted. Vice-Rector Yuri Mazei expressed that the two universities should continue to strengthen academic exchanges, and carry out cooperation in more fields.