OUC Launched Innovation Research Center for Marine Carbon Neutralization and Held the First Cross-frontier Academic Forum

On June 22, 2022, Ocean University of China (OUC) launched the Innovation Research Center for Marine Carbon Neutralization. As part of OUC’s endeavor to serve the needs of national and regional socioeconomic development, the center aims to facilitate China’s effort of peaking its carbon emissions in 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality in 2060. Prof. Yu Zhigang, President of OUC and Prof. Li Jianping, director of the center, jointly unveiled the plaque for the center.


To encourage interdisciplinary research on frontier issues of socioeconomic development, the Innovation Research Center for Marine Carbon Neutralization held the First Cross-frontier Academic Forum. The forum enabled meaningful exchanges on such topics as marine carbon cycle, non-carbon energy and key technologies, carbon market, and carbon sequestration.


Translated by Piao Simeng

Edited by Xu Derong, Yu Hong