On June 21, the Tung International Research Center for Sustainable Ocean Development (TIRC-SOD), Ocean University of China (OUC) issued Sunstainable Ocean Solutions (Volume I), which includes the research outcomes achieved since the center’s establishment.TIRC-SOD was established at OUC with the support of Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, former chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and funded by the Tung Foundation.
In his remarks, Prof. Liu Yong, Vice President of OUC, pointed out that since its establishment in July 2021, TIRC-SOD has carried out effective and innovative research projects, producing fruitful outcomes in such areas as marine microplastic pollution, sea-level rise, ocean carbon sink, marine oil spill, marine fishery resources, and deep-sea aquaculture, with topics closely related to the sustainable development of the oceans. The issuance of Sunstainable Ocean Solutions marks a new starting point for the center, which will remain committed to its mission of exploring ways to ensure sound development of the oceans. With a sense of responsibility for the country and society, the center endeavors to form consensus in sustainable ocean development and facilitate the building of a maritime community with a shared future, thereby realizing the harmonious coexistence between humanity and the oceans.
Prof. Zhao Jinping, director of TIRC-SOD, delivered a detailed presentation on the center and its research activities. He said that the center would continue to strive for research outcomes, which will be published in research reports in the Sustainable Ocean Solutions series. The center aims to become a top platform that advises policy-making on critical issues of sustainable ocean development, and raises public awareness on caring for the ocean, understanding the ocean, and exploring the ocean for the benefit of the country.
Translated by Piao Simeng
Edited by Xu Derong, Yu Hong