Australia - China Symposium Held at OUC

The 4th Australia - China Ocean Science & Technology Symposium was held at the Academic Exchange Center at Yushan Campus of Ocean University of China (OUC) from September 27 to 28.

Prof. Li Huajun, Vice President of OUC, expressed his warm welcome through his opening speech. “I believe this symposium will play an active role in further facilitating exchange and cooperation between professionals in China and Australia,” he said.


Presided over by Prof. Wang Yonghong from the College of Marine Geosciences at OUC, the symposium discussed a wide range of topics including geomorphology of coastal sediment dynamics, marine sedimentology, mathematical model, biochemistry, as well as coastal zone detection and management.


The symposium was attended by nearly 100 scientists and experts from 23 universities and research institutions including Griffith University, James Cook University, University of Sydney, University of Southern Queensland, University of South West Wales, OUC, Nanjing University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Tongji University, Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, China University of Geosciences, Guilin University of Technology, and Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Lin Jian from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Takashi Oguchi from Tokyo University were also present.

With the closing remarks by Prof. Charles Lemckert from the Griffith University of Australia, the symposium was concluded on September 28. The research papers submitted to the symposium will be published in the Journal of Coastal Research which is an internationally recognized journal in this field. It has been decided that the next symposium will be held in Brisbane, Australia, in 2016.