Consul General of ROK Visits OUC

Prof. Yu Zhigang, President of Ocean University of China (OUC), met with Mr. Hwang Seung-hyun, Consul General of Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Qingdao at OUC on September 12, 2014 to discuss further areas of collaboration between Korea and the university.

In his welcome speech, President Yu Zhigang briefed the visiting guest on the latest development in academic exchanges carried out between OUC and Korean universities and research institutes. “I wish Consul General Hwang would continue to provide strong support to a more comprehensive partnership between OUC and its Korean counterparts,” President Yu said.

Consul General Hwang spoke highly of the achievements OUC has made during the past few years. “I know that OUC always attaches great importance to international collaborations, and has established a sound relationship with many Korean research and education institutions, from which fruitful results have been made,” he said, adding that Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Qingdao will keep on making efforts to facilitate the bilateral relationship to a higher level.


Mr. Kim Hyung Tae, Vice Consul General of Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Qingdao, Li Huajun, Vice President of OUC, as well as representatives from the International Office and the Research Center for Korean Studies also attended the meeting.