OUC Delegation Attends CI Annual Meeting at TAMU

A delegation of four led by OUC’s Vice President Li Huajun spent two days at Texas A&M University (TAMU) in early August for the annual conference of the Confucius Institute(CI).

The conference reviewed the major work during the academic year from 2013 to 2014, including the lectures on Chinese language and culture, the promotion of Chinese culture, academic exchange on Chinese studies, and the building of a network to promote Chinese language in Texas. Result-oriented discussions were also held on the agenda on CI’s development in the next half of the academic year and the future cooperation between relevant colleges of the two universities through the CI, along with faculty and student exchanges.

On August 8, Vice President Li Huajun had a talk with Glen A. Laine, vice president of Texas A&M University, and J. Martin Scholtz, assistant to the vice president, on the possibilities to further cooperation between the two sides. The delegation also visited OUC students who were attending the joint-education program at TAMU.

These activities were also attended by representatives from the College of Liberal Arts, Journalism and Communication and the International Office at OUC.