POL Makes Great Progress in Global Warming Research

Doctor CHEN Xianyao, professor of POL’s “Zhufeng Scholars Program”, published his new research work titled Vary Planetary Heat Sink Led to Global-Warming Slowdown and Acceleration in Science, with Prof. Ka-Kit Tung from the Washington University in the United States as the co-author on August 22. It’s the second paper POL member has published in Science as the first author in the last 3 months, which also was widely commented on by journals and press including Science news, Nature news, BBC, the Economist, and National Geographic (US).

The research draws great public attention. The Economist uses the word “depth charge” to emphasize the significance of heat transfer to deeper oceans, which also shows the contribution of the article to the present research of heat transfer and its storage mechanism in climate system. Doctor Judith Curry, a climatologist, said “this paper represents an important piece of the puzzle for the alleviation of climate change” when commenting on the homepage of the Climate Change National Forum.

The publication of the research paper is also a great breakthrough of POL’s research on global warming, enabling POL to further advance in this area of study.



For more details about the research paper, please see http://www2.ouc.edu.cn/pol/n-3-1-detail.asp?f=14&id=1331&lanmu=3