OUC Journals Hit Top List

Both the English edition and the natural science edition of the Journal of Ocean University of China hit the list of “China’s Most Internationally Influential Academic Journals in 2013,” and this is the second time that the English edition has been on the list, according to the recently released assessment results of China’s Top Internationally Influential Academic Journals of 2013.

China’s Top Internationally Influential Academic Journals divide into the Most Internationally Influential Academic Journals of China and Excellent Internationally Influential Academic Journals of China, with the former selected among the top five percent and the latter among the top five percent to ten percent. The two categories include 175 scientific journals and 56 social sciences journals, respectively.

The assessment was jointly conducted by China Academic Journal Electronic Magazine, the library of the Tsinghua University, and the Research Center for Chinese Scientific Literature Measurement Evaluation. Over 6000 academic journals were assessed, according to the Influence Index.

The goal of the assessment is to promote the comprehensive brand development of China’s academic journals and to reveal the international influence of these journals. It also calls on the scholars to contribute articles to the journals with more international influence, and to make contributions to enhancing China’s soft power of science and culture by creating brands for academic journals with our own intellectual property rights.