Marine biogeochemistry

Members: ZhangGuiling, Ren Jingling, Liu Sumei, Song Guodong, Ning Xiaoyan, graduates


Focus 1:Biogeochemistry of trace metals (Ren JingLing)

Trace metals play important roles in the biogeochemicalcycles in the ocean. Deeply understanding their distributions and internalcycles in the ocean has become a hot area of research during these years, andform a new international scientific project “An International Study of theMarine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Their Isotopes (GEOTRACES)”.Research interests are to concern the biogeochemical cycles of GEOTRACES keyparameters (dissolved manganese (Mn) and aluminum (Al) and metalloids elements(As, Se, Sb etc.) in the marginal seas of China and northwest Pacific, todeeply understand the source, sink, internal cycles and their impact factors ofthese trace elements, and to discuss the cross shlef transport path, flux ofterrestrial materials and its surport function for the primary production inthe open ocean by using the geochemical tracers.

Focus 2:Biogeochemistry of trace gases (Zhang GuiLing)

Biogeochemistryof trace gases (i.e. CH4, N2O,PH3, CO2and O2/Ar)in the estuaries and coastal waters of China. The major focus isdistributions, fluxes and biogeochemical processes of trace gasese in thecoastal waters (i.e. the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea), themajor Rivers (i.e. Yellow River and Changjiang) and their estuaries tounderstand the distribution characteristics and the influencing factors oftrace gases in these environments. CH4 and N2O emissionsfrom Chinese coastal waters should also be estimated. These studies will behelpful to estimate the contribution of oceanic emissions to the atmospheric CH4and N2O on a global scale, and to predict the influence of oceanicemissions to the global climate.

Focus 3:Biogeochemistry of nutrients (Liu SuMei)

The major focus should be nutrient cycles, nitrogen isotopes,environmental evolution, silicon dissolution, interactions between nutrientsand food webs, atmospheric nutrient deposition. It includes completing keynitrogen transfer processes, such as denitrification, anoxic ammonium oxidationto understand these nitrogen transfer rates and nitrogen transport and sink;studying the developing processes of eutrophication and hypoxic of China Seas;the impact of nutrient sources on phytoplankton composition and the interactionbetween nutrient cycles and food web affected by global change and humanactivities; completing low concentration nutrient measurement methods; studyingmeasurement methods of the solubility and dissolution rate of biogenic silica,and try to understand the effects of uptake and dissolution processes ofbiogenic silica on diatom growth..

Major Research Projects Participated:

1.National Basic Research Programof China (973 Project) “Dynamics of ecosystem and sustainable utilization ofbiological resources in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea(G1999043705, 1999-2004)”, JingLing Renwas a participant

2.973 Project “Key Processes andSustainable Mechanisms of Ecosystem Food Production in the Coastal Ocean ofChina (2006CB400601,2006-2010)”, JingLingRen was a participant

3.NSFC project “Scavenge mechanismof aluminum on the biogenic particles and its records in the sediments (No.40606028,2007-2009, JingLing Ren was a PI)”

4.Program of International S&TCooperation “Hypoxia in the Baltic and East China Seas: the role of climate andland-use change (2010DFA245902010.4-2013.3)”, JingLing Ren was aparticipant

5.973 Project “SustainableProduction and Adaptive Management of Coastal Ecosystem of China under themulti-stressors (2011CB409801, 2011-2015)”,JingLing Ren was a participant

6.NSFC project “Distribution and speciationtransformation of dissolved manganese in the coastal area of Changjiang Estuary(No. 41176096, 2012-2015, JingLing Ren is a PI)”

7.Program for New Century ExcellentTalents in University “Influence of human activity on the emission of CH4and N2O from Mangrove and Coastal waters of East Hainan” (NCET-08-0507, 2009-2011), GuiLing Zhang was a PI

8.Sino-Japan Cooperative Project“Response of coastal and oceanic ecosystems to climate change in NorthwesternPacific Ocean” (2010DFA913502010.03-2013.03) , GuiLing Zhang was a participant

9.NSFC Project “Distribution,production and emission of nitrous oxide in representative large riverestuaries and their regulating mechanisms” (No. 41076067, 2011.01-2013.12) ,GuiLing Zhang was a PI

10.Sino-US Cooperative Project“Molecular records of the influence of anthropogenic activity and climatechange on organic carbon burial in China’s marginal seas” (No.41020164005, 2011.01-2013.12), GuiLing Zhang was a participant

11.The Chinese Key Project of Basic Research(973) Sustainability of Marine Ecosystem Production under Multi-stressors andAdaptive Management, sub-project 2: Nutrient Cycles and Response toMulti-stressors (2011.01-2015.08No.2011CB409802) , SuMei Liu is a PI, GuiLing Zhang was a participant

12.Innovation Research Group ofNational Natural Science Foundation of China “Marine Organic Goechemistry”(2013.01-2015.1241221004), SuMei Liu and GuiLing Zhang were participants

13.Programme of Introducing Talentsof Discipline to Universities: “Marine Chemistry” (2013.01-2017.12B13030),participants

14.NSFC Project “Distribution,production and transformation of hydroxylamine in representative marginal seasof China”(No. 41376088, 2014.01-2017.12), GuiLing Zhang is a PI

15.The Chinese Key Project of BasicResearch (973) “Eco-dynamics and sustainable utilization of living resources ofthe continental slope of South China Sea” (2014.01-2018.08No.2014CB441502), GuiLing Zhang and JingLing Ren were participants

16.NSFC project: Key nitrogencycling processes in sediments of the northern South China Sea2014.1-2017.1241376086, SuMeiLiu is a PI

17.NSFC Outstanding Young Scientistproject: The key processes affecting burial of nutrient elements and sedimentrecord of environmental change in the Yellow and East China Seas supported bythe National Science Foundation of China (2010.01-2013.1240925017),SuMei Liu was a PI.

18.NSFC project: A study onnitrification, denitrification and anammox in the Changjiang Estuary2009.012011.1240876054, SuMeiLiu was a PI.

19.The Ministry of Education ofChina projectFactorsinfluencing solubility, dissolution of biogenic silica in Jiaozhou Bay 2008.01-2010.12108081, SuMeiLiu was a PI.

20.NSFC project: Study on the integrationof benthos production processes and biodiversityin the Bohai Sea (2008.01-2011.1240730847),SuMei Liu was a participant

21.Program for New Century ExcellentTalents in University A study on key processes of nitrogen cycling and itsecological effects in the Changjiang Estuary (2006-2008NCET-05-0593)SuMei Liuwas a PI

22.973 Project: The key processes offood production in ecosystem of coastal seas of China and its sustainablemechanism-sub-project (2006-20102006CB400602), SuMei Liu was a participant;

23.NSFC project: Influence ofexchange at sediment-water interface on eutrophication of the Jiaozhou Bay(2003.1-2005.1240206017),SuMei Liu was a PI;

24.Program of International S&TCooperation: Land-Ocean Interaction in the eastern coast of the Hainan Islandsupported by the Ministry of Scientific and Technology of China2007-20102007DFB20380),participants

25.973 project: The mechanism ofecology and oceanography, and forecast and prevention and control of theharmful algal blooms in coastal areas of China-sub project 3 (2001-20062001CB4097),SuMei Liu was a sub PI;

26.973 project: Eco-dynamics andsustainable use of living resources of the Yellow Sea and East China Seasubproject 5, (1999-2004G19990437), SuMei Liu was a participant;

27.Shandong Province Science Foundation:Astudy on key processes in early diagenesis of the Bohai and Yellow Sea1998.12-2000.12Y98E06077,SuMei Liu was a PI;

28.NSFC project: Long-distancetransport of wind dusts to the NW Pacific Ocean1996.1-1998.1249525609, SuMeiLiu was a participant;

29.NSFC project: Impact ofatmospheric deposition upon photic bioproduction in the coastal oceans(1996.1-1998.1249576297),SuMei Liu was a participant

30.NSFC project: Study onbiogeochemistry in the Yalujiang Estuary (1994.1-1996.1249000061),SuMei Liu was a participant

Introduction to Research Work:

Trace elements:

The distributions, seasonal variations, fluxes of different sources andbiogeochemical cycles of dissolved Al in the major Chinese rivers and theirestuaries have been systematically studied. Major results include to study thedistributions and their influencing factors of dissolved Al in the Bohai,Yellow Sea and East China Sea; to estimate the residence time of dissolved Alin the Yellow Sea and East China Sea; to estimate the scope affected byChangjiang Diluted Water and Kuroshio Subsurface Water by using thedistribution of dissolved Al in different seasons; to estimate the dustdeposition flux in the Yellow Sea by using the concentration of dissolved Al inthe surface and testify that the atmospheric deposition is the major source ofdissolved Al in the Yellow Sea.

The distributions, seasonal variations, fluxes of different sources andbiogeochemical cycles of dissolved arsenate and arsenite in the marginal seasof Chinahave been studied intensively. Major results include to study the distributionsand their influencing factors of dissolved arsenate and arsenite in the Bohai,Yellow Sea and East China Sea; to discuss the speciation transformation ofdifferent arseinic species and its influencing factors; to estimate the fluxesof different sources of dissolved arsenate in the JiaozhouBay and marginal seas of China.

Establish the determination methods for trace metals that are suitable forthe measurments in the open ocean. Participated the internationalintercalibration experiments organized by GEOTRACES for dissolved Al and Aswith the SAFe and Atlantic samples in the2008. The results of dissolved Al for both SAFe and Atlanticintercalibrated samples determined by our lab are totally compliance with thecertified values.

Trace gases:

CH4and N2O are important atmospheric trace gases, which playsignificant roles in the global warming and atmospheric chemistry. Globaloceans are net natural sources of atmospheric CH4and N2O. Distributions, sources, sinks and fluxes of CH4and N2O in the coastal waters of China(i.e. the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea), and the major river-estuarinesystems (i.e. Yellow River and Yangtze River),are studied systematically during the past ten years. Riverine input of CH4and N2O to the BohaiSea and East China Sea via Yellow River and Yangtze River were estimated. We also estimated the annual CH4 andN2O emissions from coastalseas of China,which showed that the contribution of the Chinese coastal seas to thenet global sea to air CH4 and N2O flux is much higherthan their area percentage, suggestingshelf waters contribute significant amount to the total oceanic CH4flux compared to open waters.


Theburial and regeneration efficiencies of biogenic silica and their ecologicalsignificance were investigated in sediments of Jiaozhou Bay (JZB), Bohai (BH),Yellow (YS) and East China Seas (ECS), and construct silicon budget in the ECSand JZB. And uncertainties in BSi measurements were studied for low BSisamples, which make up for not enough studies in coastal areas with high clayminerals interference and promote progress on studies of silicon cycle;Nutrient exchanges at the sediment/water interface and their contributions tonutrient budgets were quantified in the BH, YS and ECS, and key factors wasdiscussed using diagenetic equations in the BH. Ecological environmental changewas studied in the YS and ECS; As the first attempt to estimate the nutrienttransport across the winter thermohaline frontal zone on thenorthern shelf ofthe South China Sea; Nutrient dynamics were studied from the major Chineseestuaries to the marginal seas, quantified contribution of each source tonutrient loads and construct nutrient budgets in the major estuaries, bays andshelf; Observations on atmospheric nutrient deposition help to understandimpacts of wet and dry depositions on low trophic ecosystem of the YS and ECS.

International cooperation:

Prof. Ren Jingling hasparticipated sino-Germany, sino-India and sino-Netherland internationalcooperation projects. She visited Korea Ocean Research and DevelopmentInstitute (KORDI), Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT, Germany),National Institute of Oceanography (NIO, India) and Leibniz Center for BalticSea Research (IOW, Germany) and did collaborative researches on thebiogeochemical cycles of trace metals. She and her students have participatedthe international cruises in the Baltic Sea, East China Sea and JapanSeawith German and Japanese colleagues. She also attended several internationalsymposiums and gave oral presentations.

Prof. ZhangGuiling has participated in several international cooperative projectsincluding Sino-German, Sino-US and Sino-Japan cooperative projects. There are 2Joint PhD students visiting Germanyand US labs at present. She had visited Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean ResearchKiel and National Institute of Oceanography of India for short-term academicexchange. She is a full member of SCORworking groupDissolved N2Oand CH4 measurements: Working towards a global network of ocean timeseries measurements of N2O and CH4’. She is also a contributing author for the UnitedNations' Environment Programme (UNEP) synthesis report‘Drawing Down N2O to Protect Climate and theOzone Layer’.

Prof. Liu SuMei has participated in several international cooperativeprojects in recent years. She ever visited HamburgUniversity in Germany, Centerfor Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) in Germany, European Institute for MarineStudies, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale in France, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology inGermany, and University of MassachusettsDartmouth (UMD) in New Bedford, USA forshort-term academic exchanges. Her lab has close collaborations on nitrogen cycle with Prof.Marcel Kuypers and Dr. Gaute Lavik at Max Planck Institute for MarineMicrobiology and Prof. MarkAltablet at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. At present, she is a Scientific Steering Committee memberfor Oceanic Research (SCOR)/International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) IntegratedMarine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER), a memberof Advisoty panel for NorthPacific Marine Science OrganizationCirculation Research in East Asian Marginal Seas(PICESCREAMS) program, a member of the international scientificcouncil of LabexMER.