Telephone: +86-532-66782407
E-mail: zzmcyj@ouc.edu.cn
1997.9~2000.6 Ph. D. in Polymer Chemistry and Physics,
Key laboratory for Supramolecular Structure and Spectroscopy, Departmentof Materials Science, JilinUniversity, Changchun, China
1994.9~1997.6 M. S. in Fine Chemical Engineering,
Department of Chemistry, TianjinUniversity,Tianjin, China
1990.9~1994.6 B. S. in Dyeing& FinishingEngineering,
Department of Applied Chemistry, QingdaoUniversity,Qingdao, China
2000.9~2002.6 Postdoctor in Physical chemistry,
Instituteof Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China
2002.12~2010.12 Associated professor
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Ocean university of China, Qingdao266003, P. R. China
Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry and Technology, Ministry ofEducation, Ocean universityof China, Qingdao 266003, P. R. China
Conducting polymers micro/nanostructuresand their applications
lAnticorrosion and antifoluling
lElectrochemical sensors
lElectromagnetic function and microwave absorption
RepresentativePublications and Achievements
1. Zhiming Zhang, Qiong Li,Liangmin Yu, Zhijie Cui, Lijuan Zhang, and Graham A. Bowmaker,Highly Conductive Polypyrrole/γ-Fe2O3Nanospheres with Good Magnetic Properties Obtained through an Improved ChemicalOne-Step Method
Macromolecules 2011, 44,4610–4615 (SCI 4.837)
2.Zhiming Zhang, Junying Denga,MeixiangWan, Highly crystalline and thin polyaniline nanofibers oxidized byferric chloride,Materials Chemistryand Physics, 2009,115,275–279 (SCI 2.015)
3. Zhiming Zhang, Liqun Wang, JunyingDeng, Meixiang Wan,Self-assemblednanostructures of polyaniline doped with poly(3-thiopheneacetic acid),Reactiveand Functional Polymers,2008,68, 1081–1087 (SCI2.039)
4.Zhang Zhiming, Deng JY, Shen JY, Wan MX, et al
Chemicalone step method to prepare polyaniline nanofibers with electromagnetic function,MACROMOLECULARRAPID COMMUNICATION 28: 585-590 2007 (SCI 3.383)
5.Zhang Zhiming, Wan MX, Wei Y, et al,Highlycrystallized polyaniline nanostructures doped with dicarboxylic acid,ADVANCEDFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 16: 1100-1104 2006 (SCI 6.090)
6.Zhang Zhiming, Sui J, Zhang LJ, WeiY, et al,Hollow polyaniline octahedron prepared by cuprousoxide as a template,ADVANCED MATERIALS 17: 2854-28572005(SCI 9.107)
7. Zhang Zhiming, Wan MX,Wei Y, et al,Electro-magnetic functionalized polyaniline nanostructures,NANOTECHNOLOGY16: 2827-2832 2005(SCI 3.322)
8. Zhang Zhiming, Wei ZX, Zhang LJ, et al,Polyanilinenanotubes and their dendrites doped with different naphthalene sulfonic acids,ACTAMATERIALIA 53 (5): 1373-1379 2005(SCI 3.898)