Associate Professor
Telephone: +86-532-66782101
Jun 2004, Ph. D., College of Chemistry andChemical Engineering, OceanUniversity of China
Jun 2001, M. S., School of Earth Science, ChengduUniversityof Technology
Jul 1998, B. E., Department of MaterialsScience and Engineering, Shandong Institute of Light Industry
2004-2005, Institute of marine chemistry, Ocean Universityof China
2005-2013, MarineOrganic Geochemistry Lab, Ocean University of China
2013-2014, Schoolof Oceanography, University of Washington, Visiting Scholar
Organicgeochemistry; Late Quaternary paleoceanography in marginal seas; Carbon cyclein marginal seas and climate change;Instrumentanalysis.
RepresentativePublications and Achievements
1.Xing, L., Zhao, M.,Gao, W., Wang, F., Zhang, H., Li, L., Liu, J., Liu, Y., 2014. Multiple proxyestimates of source and spatial variation in organic matter in surfacesediments from the southern Yellow Sea.Organic Geochemistry 76, 72-81
2.Xing, L., Tao, S.,Zhang, H., Liu, Y., Yu, Z., Zhao, M., 2011. Distributions and origins of lipidbiomarkers in surface sediments from the southern Yellow Sea. Applied Geochemistry 26, 1584-1593.
3.Tao, S., Xing,L., Luo, X., Wei, H., Liu, Y., Zhao, M., 2012. Alkenone distribution insurface sediments of the southern Yellow Sea and implications for the Uk’37thermometer. Geo-Marine Letters 32,61-71.
4.Xing, L., Zhang, R.,Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Liu, S., Shi, X., Zhao, M., 2011. Biomarker records ofphytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the Japan Seaover the last 166 kyr. Quaternary ScienceReviews 30, 2666-2675.
5.Xing, L., Zhang, H.,Yuan, Z., Sun, Y., Zhao, M., 2011. Terrestrial and marine biomarker estimatesof organic matter sources and distributions in surface sediments from the EastChina Sea shelf. Continental ShelfResearch 31, 1106-1115.